View Full Version : What's your strangest anxiety?

05-01-11, 21:14
Many of us here have varying anxieties. My 'serious' ones are Health and General.

However, I also have a few random 'strange' ones.

I think the most odd (and I've no idea where it came from), is I'm absolutely petrified of pulling the plug out the back whilst I'm in it. Said plug only EVER gets removed once I'm on the firm safety of the bathroom floor.

....now some may feel...well that's normal, you might get sucked in. I'm 6' 4" and weigh just over 15 stone.

Does anybody else have any odd ones they'd like to share?

06-01-11, 09:31
My anxiety is so finely tuned now that it picks up on literally anything, sometimes rational, sometimes not. Last night I was watching a documentary on telly and it mentioned a family tragedy where a guy lost his father and two days later he died himself, leaving a wife and three kids fatherless. Almost immediately my personal demon latched onto it and now I'm worried the same will happen to me. I'm about the same age and my folks are in their seventies and I'm pretty close to them. I really don't know how to deal with this kind of stuff and It's making my life a living hell. Right now I wish I'd never been born...

Desprate Dan
06-01-11, 10:13
Wow i also have the most strangest anxiety's about most things which effect the way i react in everyday situations.. Yesterday phoned a friend, (nothing wrong with that you may say) of course not. The phone rang and his wife answered, to my reply is Alan in? his wife said no he's not in at the moment, so i said goodbye and put the phone down.. Now i sensed upset in her voice but maybe she just had a cold like half the uk population, but something inside didnt feel right a sick feeling in my stomach.. Now i am convinced something not nice has happened maybe a death in the family or something and dare not call again.... God i wish i didn't think so much..