View Full Version : Erection issues

05-01-11, 22:47

Hard to talk about subject but thought it worth mentioning.

So guys, who else has problems staying upright and why do you think that is? Don't leave me alone!

Personally I have had an issue since I was 13, I spoke to my GP years a go and he said it was 'just' anxiety and to relax, great advice...

05-01-11, 22:50
Wow, just saw this post (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=87929) - odd. Maybe these threads could be merged or maybe its worth keeping them both open, up to you admins.

Anyway replies would still be appreciated.

05-01-11, 23:14
Well same credit to you for having the courage to talk about such a personal problem.

I really hope you do find a solution, I'm sorry I don't have any helpful advice to give.


05-01-11, 23:49
It is usually associated with medication such as citalopram - what meds are you on again piers?

06-01-11, 09:04
Not on any meds Nicola :(

06-01-11, 14:15
do you think it's anxiety related?
there are a few tests to check for physical causes and if you think it would be good to rule those out i would definitely find a doctor to refer you to a specialist.

06-01-11, 14:22
I'm not a man but my boyfriend had this problem for around nine months when we first got together. I assume he won't mind me saying since this is anonymous...:unsure:

He was sure it was anxiety and not a physical problem and told me he had problems whether he was on his own or with me. His problem was usually keeping it up not getting it up although he said he was finding it difficult to get aroused when he was tired and stressed and then things just wouldn't happen because he wasn't in the mood - does this sound about right to you?

My boyfriend is now fine and has no trouble at all. The reasons he thought what had happened had happened was firstly because he was very stressed and he couldn't concentrate on what he was doing...or rather couldn't stop thinking about everything else....not necessary worries just things that popped into his mind. He said that after that he felt this great pressure to be able to stay erect, particularly when he was with me, and worried immediately that he wouldn't be able to - which all had the result of him losing it.

I don't know if you have a partner and that is when the problem is bothering you but my boyfriend found it helpful to know that girls aren't immensely put out by erection troubles as there's so many other things you can do and still enjoy yourself just as much! Part of my bf's problem was feeling like he was letting me down but he did seem to get much better after we'd had a few chats and I kept telling him that I had never been disappointed.

I hope some of this helps

06-01-11, 17:03
Stress can cause problems. I have been in a stressful or anxious way and to be honest it seriously killed my sex drive. In saying that, I once went to hospital with a panic attack and the doctor there gave me loads of good advice, also saying that masturbation is very calming, so I should do it more! I find that after sex the feeling of being quite tired makes me anxious as I hate feeling weak! :)

06-01-11, 18:30
Stress can cause problems. I have been in a stressful or anxious way and to be honest it seriously killed my sex drive. In saying that, I once went to hospital with a panic attack and the doctor there gave me loads of good advice, also saying that masturbation is very calming, so I should do it more! I find that after sex the feeling of being quite tired makes me anxious as I hate feeling weak! :)

I really wouldn't know about that... Will have to test the theory :shades:

Anxiety is the issue here UK. Unless there's organic disease, which at your age I would think unlikely.

There is performance anxiety in many areas of our lives and I guess sex is one of them. Therefore, having an understanding partner (if you have one) and talking things through is the first step. There is also counselling/therapy available for couples if there are deep psychological issues present but mostly things can be resolved by learning to relax and trust your partner.

06-01-11, 20:11

my sister's hubby has this problem and he suffers seriously from stress.

the second thing is he has problems with his prostate gland (diffuculty weeing at times too) which he takes meds for (NOT cancer if you're brain sends you off in that direction!!)

all this though is aggravated when he is stressed and he suffers the same, so i really, really think it is anxiety related. the more you worry about it, the worse it is going to be.

hope this helps! if you want to ask anything else, you are very welcome to private message me!

take care and relax!

hayley x

12-01-11, 00:01
Going through this with my husband now. It's a very sore subject and especially since we're trying to have a baby. Personally, I think it is performance anxiety as he has been to the doctor many times and they can't figure out what's wrong.

I really feel for you because I can only imagine what it must be like. I'm not sure if you have a partner, but it definitely causes some stress between couples. I was okay with it for years, but now that I'm trying for a family, I find it difficult.

See a doctor and make sure it has nothing to do with blood pressure, weight, etc. Then, if not, try some of the drugs they have out there (perhaps you have already) and see a therapist.

I hope you'll be okay and wish you the best!

17-01-11, 16:14
Insulin and glucose in the blood and lead to severe penalty artery. In arteries, which are able to expand and contract to provide effective and lasting erection. Excess insulin and glucose in the blood when it hardens the arteries, causing an erection becomes soft.

"Severe penalty artery"? I think you should change your translator software.

17-01-11, 18:22
The previous poster is a spammer MM ..Hence the rubbish post ..:ban::busted: sue x

17-01-11, 18:49
I know - off with his head!

17-01-11, 19:18
I think it would make sense to get checked out properly medically in order to rule out any physical causes. And, should there be nothing detected on this level, I think it is more than likely that the erection problem is rooted in some form of anxiety.

It's only happened to me once (for far), personally, and the situation was me being with someone I a. barely knew, and b. thought of as drop dead gorgeous, which had a very intimidating effect, i.e. made me feel anxious. And c. the communication wasn't exactly flowing and on a similar wavelength, which made me feel a bit helpless among heavy pauses, i.e. thinking: should I stay or should I go, which I suppose could be anxious as well.
As I got older I have learned to take considerably more time in terms of getting involved with someone on a sexual basis, and only actually get involved these days, when I'm feeling really and truly comfortable with someone. This attitude has served me well, and not just in the erection department.

As for medication, yes, I remember being on Seroxat and it playing havoc with my libido. The problem wasn't that I couldn't get it up - quite the opposite. But for the life of me I couldn't come, which is one of the well known side effects of Seroxat on men. Drove me up the wall, that....

17-01-11, 19:28
European I think you could have worded your post better .Its rather too graphic if you dont mind me saying ..Im sure you can understand that there is a better way of getting your point over without using this type of wordage . ? sue :lac:

17-01-11, 19:38
"European I think you could have worded your post better .Its rather too graphic if you dont mind me saying ..Im sure you can understand that there is a better way of getting your point over without using this type of wordage . ?">suzy-sue

I'm really sorry if I've offended anybody - but at the same time a bit at a loss as to what language I should have used. Would 'orgasm' be more acceptable instead of "come"?

17-01-11, 19:47
Cum you mean - not come, as in come over here...

17-01-11, 19:49

17-01-11, 20:08
I wasnt just referring to the word cum ..I also meant the "GET IT UP " ..You seem to be the only one on this thread who doesnt seem to realise this isnt suitable on a forum like this .We have very young members here and its an open forum .Im not personally offended as such ,but im sure if others can get their point over without using such terms. You who obviously have a good command of the English language in other posts ,wont have or shouldnt have any problem either .Thats if you see my point ,its entirely your choice at the end of the day . sue

17-01-11, 20:10
"Cum you mean - not come, as in come over here...">Melancholia77

*Attempts a high pitched Monty Python voice*:

You are a very naughty boy!:D

17-01-11, 20:23
"if you see my point">suzy-sue

I'm sorry, suzy-sue, but I don't see your point at all. First of all, this thread is entitled "erection issues", which, by the very nature of the problem, indicates some sexual content. And why on earth not?

Sex is a human need, and as such even classified at the very bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs together with breathing, eating and drinking, etc. - and this makes perfect sense!

Do you seriously suggest that young people are not having any sex at all? Or worse: Are you seriously demanding that they shouldn't talk about it? Because this is a view I personally would find rather offensive!

To be perfectly honest with you, I can't help a hunch that you tried to get at me on account of a certain other thread - and fine, no problem. But as it is, you didn't get me, but if anything probably only managed to make the opening poster, and everybody else opening themselves up on here to some degree, somewhat uncomfortable for having posted on this thread concerning a sexual problem in the first place. Which would be very sad, in my opinion.

17-01-11, 20:29
Your wording is the only issue here European . Im obviously mistaken about your Command of the English language here .Like I said its up to you ..:shrug: sue

17-01-11, 20:40
"Like I said its up to you">suzy-sue

Since you so generously decided it's up to me, I'll stand by what I said as I can't find it either pornographic nor gratuitous.

Can we get back to the thread now?

17-01-11, 20:48
Why should a woman posting on here make the OP uncomfortable ?? Nicola and other female members have also posted .You use of words are those which somone would use in private and not on an anxiety forum ,the reasons of which ive already stated .You seem very defensive and I find it very unbelievable you couldnt have worded your post with more appropriate terminology .Instead you try to acuse me of doing something to upset the original poster and try to turn the heat off yourself and assert blame in my direction .Oh !I think you certainly do understand me European as I do you ..Sadly ..:lac:

18-01-11, 16:23
"Why should a woman posting on here make the OP uncomfortable ??"suzy-sue

What's any of this got to do with you being a woman? Where did you read that?

As for me being defensive - yes, I am, but first and foremost regarding the right of everyone on here to be open and honest, without having to weigh one's words up and down on a golden scale and tread on eggshells in terms of using the 'right' terminology.

By the very nature of things, most of what people might have to say on here is pretty personal, and it would be a shame if the mere thought of being followed by some kind of 'correctness police' would stifle anybody's flow in view of expressing themselves and their problems.

You realise that your intervention has basically killed this thread? At the very least you've inhibited anybody who might still want to revive it. Which is a shame and not helpful at all!

And that's pretty much all I've got to say on the subject. If you want somebody to engage in endless bickering with, please find yourself someone else.

18-01-11, 17:45

Hard to talk about subject but thought it worth mentioning.

So guys, who else has problems staying upright and why do you think that is? Don't leave me alone!

Personally I have had an issue since I was 13, I spoke to my GP years a go and he said it was 'just' anxiety and to relax, great advice...

You need to ask to see a psychosexual councellor Piers .There are techinques to try and practice which will help you overcome this .There are websites which explain some of these ,but a counceller experienced in this problem will be more beneficial . Alternatively Citalopram in a very small dose is sometimes used and is often helpful .Strange that in a low dose it helps and often on larger ammounts it can have the opposite effect .Becoming aroused with out having to perform is probabaly the best way forward .Practice sexual stimulation with out touching the Genitalia with your partner .Stroking/massaging and touching in other areas .Usually this is done starting from the head .Every part of the body has the ability to cause arousel .Each day you increase the area of the body .After a few weeks ,it usually makes you able to perform and engage in intercouse without the fear of irrectile dysfunction .You will know if its working and when you are ready .Take it slowly and dont put any pressure on yourself .There are other ways to pleasure your partner afterwards ...All the best sue x