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View Full Version : Please can someone help

06-01-11, 10:00
I am going out of my mind with worry.
A week before xmas I started with a burning sensation between my breast bone. Any normal person would have thought indigestion/heartburn. Not me stomach cancer. So went to the doctors last week, sat down in front of him and told him I had stomach cancer. He just looked at me and said that we have been here before and that it was in my make up to worry,he examined my stomach and said it was acid. He kind of put my mind at rest and said you can swallow alright cant you and a few other questions. He said that I had no signs and that he wouldn't be sending me for any tests. He weighed me and I was 11st 5lb I was happy with that weight because before xmas I had been on a diet and was losing on average 2lb a week and I felt better for it. But guess what I got up the next morning and I couldnt swallow I felt that my food would not go down panick set in. My appetite has gone and the last time I wieghed myself I had lost 1lb. OMG I have something awful I have started to lose weight, now I panick I dare not wheigh myself anymore but feel the need to,to check to see if I have lost anymore. I have stopped looking in the mirror and constantly keep lifting my top up to see how thin I look. I feel like a skeleton and that i am being eaten from within, my stomach is burning with panick as I am writing this. I am going out of my head. Sorry for the long story but really dont know what to do. Please can somebody help me.

carl phillips 1983
06-01-11, 10:20
u can get all this throu anxiety dont worry the more u think about it the more it will happen x

06-01-11, 10:22
Hi gtag

The weight loss happens often with anxiety. I lost 3 stones in a year because of eating no more than 1300 cals a day.. Lost approx half a pound to a pound a week.. Weight loss = anxiety and anxiety = weight loss. There are quite a few people on here who will know all about weight loss and how anxiety burns off calories quickly.