View Full Version : PLEASE HELP >>>panic attacks because my kids are in school

06-01-11, 10:53
I have had panic disorder for many years and agrophobia for 5 years. i cannot cope with the panic attacks when I am alone. But when my children are in school the panic attacks are unbearable, i have even kept them off school several times because of my problem, I already feel like i am betraying my children, but the local authority are threatening to take me to court, all this on top of the anxiety i already feel and the guilt because i do not give my kids the life they deserve. I was wondering if anyone else has had panic this bad. I need some advice i dont know what to do. what if they try to take my kids off me or send me to prison. PLEASE HELP

06-01-11, 13:28
You don’t say if you are on meds or seeing a councillor, the latter would almost certainly help. Why do you think you worry so much when your children are at school? Are the authorities aware you have a problem? I assume you are seeing your GP about this problem could he not suggest a plan of action?

06-01-11, 18:40
Hello Sharon

I have just read back over your older posts, I thought your name rang a bell!

I'm sorry to see that the situation hasn't really improved for you, I read that you were seeing a CPN a few years back and by the sounds of it, had been advised to face your fears.

Good and sensible sentiments but you will need some support to do this, plenty of people here will support you and there is self-help literature on the site as well.

As Groundhog has already said, you don't mention what help you are getting from your GP, meds or anything else? What have you been trying to help yourself if anything?

That's not a critical remark hun as I used to have Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks but you know that it isn't right to keep your kiddies home from school because of this..them being home with you is just reinforcing in your mind that you need them there or you will collapse.

You know that it isn't fair on them or you so now is the time to try and tackle this, get the support of your doctor and take some self help measures to get you started.

Good luck :flowers:

06-01-11, 20:05

poor you!

i am with you on the panic attacks! i know it's really hard when the kids go back. i suffer from panic attacks and mine have come back a little since they went back! it just makes everything worse, being on your own and you just get worked up!
i have a horrible feeling of someone sitting on my chest and i have to take really deep breaths and slow too to calm down. my first one, when it happened, made me think i was having a heart attack and i called my husband home from work, cos i couldn't breathe! it so scary, so i understand how you feel.
you MUST tell the authorities what is happening with you and tell your docs too, everything!

do you go out at all, can i ask?

hayley x

06-01-11, 23:25
Please somehow let the children go to school.
I was took to court in March last year over my son not going to school and was almost sent to prison it was the most terrifying time of my life.
My 13 year old son has not really been to school or out the house for 2 years he has now been diagnosed with post traumatic stress and depression but still the education are on at me and I am worried to death.

I have 2 other sons that live at home age 23 and 29 one of them does not work so is at home most of the time.
I am so scared to be left in the house on my own because of my panic attacks and I dread the day every one goes out and I am left on my own I just do not know how I will cope with it.
I really feel for you. Is no one in the house at all when the children are at school
Have you got a mate you could have round or are you friendly with a neighbor you could call on if things felt real bad

06-01-11, 23:53
can i give you a little light at the end of the tunnel,,i was exactly the same,,wouldnt allow the kids outta the house all at the same time because id go into a blind panic,,i weaned myself into excepting they had to have a life of their own,,i got them to leave me for short breaks and gradually increase the time span,,i love being in my house alone now,,last year i even spent two nights in the house alone,,something thats never happened before,,i felt nervous and didnt sleep till about 3 in the morning but got there,,hope you find some help soon hun,,its a horrid thing we go through :hugs:

07-01-11, 13:54
Teez this is great to hear