View Full Version : Mirena Coil and anxiety

06-01-11, 11:12
Have been fitted with a mirena coil to help my pmt - since having it fitted my anxiety has been through the roof - feel like i am stuck in a permanent state of pmt. panicked yesterday in car - cried the rest of the day. Doc won't take it out as it needs to be in for three months before they can tell if it is going to work - i want to know how to function in the world in this state! Also panicking cause i feel out of control - i can't take the stupid thing out myself and am dependent on docs listening to me - anyone else experienced this? Am hoping someone has so that i don't feel so mad or alone. :weep:

06-01-11, 13:21
I had the mirena coil for a year and i have just had it removed. I also felt that it increased my anxiety and gave me terrible mood swings but i didn't put it down to this and thought maybe it was just me. i then researched it on the internet and found that many people have experienced it too and i insisted that it be removed. The doctors seemed reluctant but i insisted. Even though it is early days i do feel better and my mood swings are not as bad as they were getting, however i have read that it can take up to six months for your body to adjust again.

My sister has also got the coil and has no history of anxiety but is also considering having it taken out because her husband believes that she is tense and moody since having it put in.

06-01-11, 14:04
you can have it taken out when ever you want to!
you do that right :-)
I don't know much about it but the fitting of it seems a bit scary.
give a week or so, you need to be able to tell if its your anxiety or if it's actually the coil.

06-01-11, 14:14
I was recommended that I had the Marina coil fitted after I lost a baby. I was told to give it a fair chance for my hormones to settle, but three years on I still felt dreadful. My panic attacks became worse and I was tearful most of the time and had quite painful periods and very sore boobs. I asked to have it removed as I felt it was aggravating my anxiety. Since having it removed I have calmed down considerably and just experience normal pmt symptoms and my panic attacks are now much less frequent. Good luck. x

06-01-11, 14:20
are you sensitive to the hormones that the coil uses?
because it would be the hormones that would cause any anxiety.

Suzanne A
08-01-11, 23:57
I had the Mirena coil removed 3 days ago and am feeling better already.

Where do I start, I had it fitted 11 weeks ago and over the last 4 weeks have started to feel anxious, very panicky, unsettled, headaches, nightmares, heat across the left hand side of my back and complete lack of sex drive.

I have a 6 month old daughter and am completely happy and settled so could not imagine what on earth was causing this, which was adding to my anxiety, I just happened to Google the Mirena coil and anxiety / depression and could not believe the stories I read, all stating the same side effects.

I still didnt think it could be related to the coil as I had had the mirena for 10 years previously, until I realised that during these 10 years I suffered with anxiety, depression hence I took anti depressants, you do the maths! If only I had known about the side effects then

I immediately made an appointment with my doctor to have it removed and they were not very keen but I insisted I wanted it out, I was literally shaking with anxiety in the doctors and they said that maybe it was post natal depression but I said I am the happiest I have ever been and that I felt completely not myself, I didnt want to tell them how bad I felt as I was worried they would want to monitor me looking after my daughter.

I cannot tell you how different I feel, back to my bubbly, confident self again and calm and peaceful again, my husband says the difference is clear. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go with your instinct and do NOT rule out the coil giving you these horrible side effects, the doctors insist it is not the coil, but you only have to look on the internet to see different. I am going to write on as many websites as I can, even if it only helps one person, good luck.

09-01-11, 00:06
The Mirena coil releases a small ammount of hormone directly into the womb .Its not as bad /dangerous as taking the contraceptive pill .Some people react to the progesterone hormone .But this is only a very small ammount .This coil is very effective for many people and you should give everything a chance to settle down .but obviously if you have a bad reaction you need the Oestrogen only pill or a different method of contraception .Not everything works for us all Sue

Purple Fish
09-01-11, 10:36
I had a Mirena coil fitted about 10 years ago then had it removed after 3 years as I didn't need it for contraception anymore.
I've since had another one fitted over a year ago as my periods seem to have got worse as I've got older (I'm 38) and I couldn't cope with the monthly moods. Especially being an anxiety sufferer anyway!
Since I've had this one I've been so much better as I don't have a period anymore and it's been a godsend!
One less thing to worry about!

Everyone's different though, it's worked for me.


09-01-11, 14:35
Yes it worked for me too Purple fish ..I had the same sort of problems .I didnt suffer with anxiety after it was fitted but it did take a few months to settle .I no longer have periods or pms so thats a blessing .You can have whats called an abalation procedure where they insert a baloon full of hot liquid .This removes the lining of the womb and has the same effect without the hormones .This is usually only done for heavy periods and obviously not for contraception tho . sue