View Full Version : How did you get diagnosed with indigestion/acid reflux ?

06-01-11, 11:24
I have to go and see my GP next week i have been having really bad indigestion pain in my chest and going into my back ! very painfull zantac will relieve it but it soon comes back.
I was wondering how you all got diagnosed ?what symptoms did you have.?

Mine are pain in chest/breast.

burping,sore throat and a silly cough.

07-01-11, 10:01
Hi HazG
Getting a diagnosis can take some time, talking from my experience anyway.

Back in Oct 2009 I started to get a lot of burping, nausea, indigestion, pain and discomfort to the left side etc and I was given omeprazole tablets to control the acid in my stomach, these eased things, also I gave up drinking for a while and cut down on coffee and cut out spicy food, things improved a bit but I've suffered with bouts of it ever since and keep revisiting my gp, I've since had a h.pylori test which detects a certain bacteria present in the gut related to stomach ulcers etc.... I've had another flare up of it this week so am considering a revisit to my gp.
Just wanted to reply with my experience as I've never actually been given a diagnosis.

Good luck.

09-01-11, 22:30
I had an endoscopy following a period of bad indigestion, relux etc.
They discovered an hiatus hernia and diagnosed esophogitis and GERD. I take omeprozol and I've just increased the dose to twice a day. I've had the chest and back pain and I also have the silly cough which drives me mad.

21-01-11, 10:23
when you guys describe this "silly cough" is almost like a barking?

21-01-11, 11:55
someone said it is possible to get palpations with acid reflux, is this true?

22-01-11, 11:51
i have suffered with acid reflux for 18 years and have had the camera down 3 times as have a family history of ulcers but mine is just acid relflux have tried all the medications but get all the bad side effects so just have to watch what i eat and drink even the tablets im on sertraline give me acid and when i have servere acid i nearly always have a panic attack its a vicious circle.

22-01-11, 12:12
I get a lot of acid reflux but have it under control by taking lansoprazole and domperidone tablets every day.I have never had any side effects from them, might be worth asking your doctor about them

23-01-11, 00:48
i have never had any side effect either and however, if i did'nt take the omeprozole i would be in a far worse state - you have to work out if a few mild side affects outway the advantage etc.
As for the cough - it is like a dry bark, uncontrollable and very annoying, some days worse than others.
Take care

23-01-11, 03:34
burning throat, chest and tummy, chest pain. acid coming up my throat, lump in throat feeling, nauseous.
elevating the head of your bed is said to hep if you get it a lot in the mornings