View Full Version : obsessed with weight

06-01-11, 12:01
I have lost my appetite. I am feeling very thin and just want to keep weighing myself all of the time. I dare not weigh myself cause i know i would have lost aome more and it just freaks me out. I just dont seem to get anything down as i am never hungry. I feel like a skeleton and i cant get these feelings out of my head. perhaps if only i could eat i may gain some weight but i fear i am just wasting away. I have just tried to eat something and npw in a blind panick. This all started a week ago when the doctor weighed me I was 11st 5lbs but then stupidly I sttod on the scales and I have lost a 1lb since then my appetite has completely gone. Help im going round in circles

06-01-11, 14:00
yeah I have that fear of losing weight, I lost maybe a stone due to anxiety and I was a pound or two away from being underweight.
I was so scared I would keep losing weight.
trust your body , eventually it will tell you eat and it will prevent you from getting too thin.
Do you know what your BMI is? I'm on the lowest end of normal at the moment.
seriously you can lose a lot of weight and be ok!! I know my fear was what If I keep losing weight and never put it back on!!
you will notice your weight going up and down.
I lost 3 pound in 4 weeks, and gained 4 pounds back in the next 4 weeks!
For a good while I was eating nothing but a few slices of bread a day.
Now I am back to a few smalls snacks and one small meal.
I try to add extra butter to my bread, cheese is high in fat and not filling!
it's been 4 months and my appetite is slowly coming back .

06-01-11, 14:13
Are you female? Women's weight can fluctuate by around five pounds due to water retention, periods etc. So any weight difference of that kind can be pretty much ignored - nothing to worry about :)

A few years ago when I was very anxious I was eating like a horse but lost 1.5 stone in weight. I was like a stick insect and was wearing a size 4 (I'm normally an 8). Everybody kept asking me if I was anorexic (which was really embarrassing, particularly as I had previously been anorexic!) I went to the doctors and they said 1.5 stones is within a normal range to lose due to anxiety.

Just worrying all the time can burn up calories and if you're finding it difficult to eat it will happen faster. My docs told me your body won't let you slide below a weight that would be dangerous so there's really no reason to worry :)

06-01-11, 14:20
I lost 3 stones in a year after developing food anxiety.. Calories are burned up faster by anxiety as well. I eat around 1300 cals a day now but am told this should be around 1800-2000 to gain any weight. I was fortunate to be a bit overweight and am now a healthy weight.
I had the same problem gtag with obsessesion with weighing myself several times a day. Its a hard habit to break but I did it and am now just starting to look forward to certain meals again.
Little and often is the way to go and your confidence will come back.