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View Full Version : feel so tired!

06-01-11, 12:29
hi all

i am getting worried about feeling tired all the time. when i wake up in the morning it would be so easy to close my eyes again, i can not remember the last time i woke up feeling refreshed. also when im at work i go through stages of really just wanting to close my eyes, and sometimes i just lock my office door and drift of for a couple of minmutes, but i also get bursts of energy also. does anyone else suffer from this lethagic tired state?

06-01-11, 16:33
I have been like this all my life. I could always go back to sleep when I wake up, and I can't remember any moment of any day when I couldn't just have sat down and gone to sleep. I can't 'nap' because once I go to sleep I want to sleep for hours and I feel pretty rough if I wake up any sooner. Better to wait until bedtime.

It doesn't bother me though, it's just normal for me. I have a job and lots of hobbies - some very energetic like windsurfing and snowboarding. I just sleep a lot at night as well.

Has it just come on, or is it just that you are only noticing it now?

Maybe you are not getting a very good night's sleep. I know sleep apnoea can make you feel like you haven't slept at all even if you have - I think that's more of a problem for people who are overweight.

If you happen to have an iPhone there's a really good app called SleepCycle. It sits on your mattress and can estimate how deeply asleep you are by how much you move around. It also has an alarm that can wake you up at the 'best' time in your cycle so you feel most refreshed. Sounds like utter nonsense but after seeing lots and lots of good reviews I tried it and was most impressed.

07-01-11, 20:54
When my anxiety was at it worse I was tired all the time, posted about it plenty on here. When the anxiety went I was fine

see post: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=61022

07-01-11, 21:06
saintdee, years! Thought it was just me. Even when I do stuff I enjoy, I just want to sleep straight after.

07-01-11, 23:11
I have an issue with feeling tired, too. When my anxiety was worse, the fatigue was a greater issue than it is now. Even at that, I still often begin to feel wiped out in the afternoons, sometimes for weeks on end. Rest assured, you are definitely not alone!