View Full Version : A bit random - goosebumps!

06-01-11, 15:03
This is a bit of a random one but does anyone suffer from lots of goosebumps? It started about size weeks ago when I was really anxious as my leg kept going cold from sciatica, I started having chills and goosebumps come up down my back and arms and little patches over my legs. After a while it makes me feel quite cold as the bumps are always up. I have asked the dr and he just said anxiety can cause this, but all the time? As stupid as it sounds it doesn't happen when I am warm but they are not just regular cold goosebumps otherwise I woulda think it was strange! Can this happen with anxiety? I sometimes think I can't remember what it feels like to feel 'normal' now.

07-01-11, 19:30
hi MEG37
yes i have had those goosebumps as well.and had assumed was caused by anxiety. I have spinal stenosis in my spine which gives me sciatica. so i know that cold feeling you can get.not a lot can help im afraid as far as i know! anxiety can give off so many symtoms. hope this helps you to worry less.