View Full Version : feel like im having a breakdown

06-01-11, 18:06
I have been really suffering from anxiety for the past month - my eyes go funny and i go tingly in different parts of my body some times just the left side, today it got really bad felt like my whole body was shaking i could thinkn't properly and felt like i was going mad, i have also been suffering with intrusive thoughts of harming loved one - how do i get out of this

06-01-11, 18:13
keep coming here, get some therapy - cognitive behaviour therapy can help

good luck, you not alone

06-01-11, 18:19
Make an appointment to see a doctor. Xanax helps me calm down a bit. Don't tell the doctor you Have thoughts of harming loved ones because they may try to admit you to a pcych ward.

06-01-11, 18:46
my nerves twitch, tingle and they feel like there burning in my arms and legs - i have the thoughts but i dont act on them so dont think they would try and admit me, they come and go like if i see a knife i start to feel uncomfortable incase i pick it up

06-01-11, 19:00

You poor soul, i too suffer with severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I had to get my husband to hide tablets, knifes and even belts because i was terrified of what i would do with them. I was put on seroxat and seroquel and went for CBT therapy. (had to go private for that, as i'm still waiting to be seen on the NHS). 5 months on, i am well on the road to recovery. The thing with the thoughts is not to try and push them out, let them come but try and not to attach fear with them .(This is what they feed on). YOU WILL get better and these thoughts and feelings. will ease in time. Clare Weekes has a good book called Self help for your nerves, which teaches your to face your fears, accept how you feel and let time pass. Look after yourself and take care. x

06-01-11, 19:02
Make an appointment to see a doctor. Xanax helps me calm down a bit. Don't tell the doctor you Have thoughts of harming loved ones because they may try to admit you to a pcych ward.

Sorry Faith,

I would be surprised if that was the case and I don't really think that is accurate advice, it could prevent someone getting the appropriate therapy or counselling that could help them.

06-01-11, 19:34
i just seem to be stuck in a loop of horrible feelings then they pass then i will be stuck with intrusive thoughts and images and then back to the feelings again like worry about cancer or going mad, i have a good couple of days then i seem to slid back into it again - like today for some reason i have been obsessed with my voice thinking i sound different it driving round the bend

06-01-11, 20:00
Have you been to see your Doc regarding therapy/medication. Your not alone in how you feel, i know you wont believe me, but YOU WILL get through this. If you can accept how you feel is down to anxiety (Really hard, i know) it will help you greatly on your road to recovery.

06-01-11, 20:13
I have been to the doc and he told me i was suffering from stress through work and home life - i also have counseling who has also said its anxiety and stress - but just find it so hard to feel better and constantly worry im a nutter who is about to break and have a serious mental disease

i worried all christmas that i had mad cows or something really ruined my christmas for my partner started to feel abit better then it just all came back