View Full Version : Im becky and New to all this

06-01-11, 20:19
Hi Everyone

Been reading lots of posts thinking im not ht eonly 1!!! Im 27 years old and suffering/anxiety and pnic when in crowded places.

I used to do everything go to watch football Aston Villa, go on holiday, go shopping and go to busy pubs now i can;t do any of this.

I am making small steps like i have been to shops for a short while/been to theatre and busy pub but its hard but the whole thing has made me feel depressed and am now on anti depressant.

Its affected everyting, my life, relationship i hope i can recover from all this as i used to love being normal and have so much to do in my life.

06-01-11, 20:20
Hi Beckyboo_83

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-01-11, 20:24
Hi Becky :welcome:. It's good you are making progress,hope it continues and especially that you get back to games. I've had to stop watching my team for other reasons (although I did sometimes feel panicky when I was there) and I miss it so much xx

Vanilla Sky
06-01-11, 21:30
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

06-01-11, 21:34
hi becky its a nice place this, you get loads of advice xx

15-01-11, 14:20
Thanks 4 the welcome evryone evryone seems so nice o9n here very hard for people to understand how we really feel until u get it xx

15-01-11, 14:51
Hi Becky, :welcome:to the forum.

Frozen in fear
15-01-11, 15:08
Hi Everyone

Been reading lots of posts thinking im not ht eonly 1!!! Im 27 years old and suffering/anxiety and pnic when in crowded places.

I used to do everything go to watch football Aston Villa, go on holiday, go shopping and go to busy pubs now i can;t do any of this.

I am making small steps like i have been to shops for a short while/been to theatre and busy pub but its hard but the whole thing has made me feel depressed and am now on anti depressant.

Its affected everyting, my life, relationship i hope i can recover from all this as i used to love being normal and have so much to do in my life.im new to this and anxiety panic u name it it hard

15-01-11, 15:26
hi im new to all this to i just joined dont even know how to post a message introducing myself and tellin my story but i need help i think im going crazy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,actualy i know im not goin crazy but i cant make myself beleive that,i feel so bad all the time.im so glad i found this site!!1

15-01-11, 15:50
His Tess i am a new member too. I dont pretend to know how you feel cause everyone is different. All i can tell you is that joining this group has made me realise that i am not a nut, not alone and i have gained some comfort from this. Its a start isnt it ? x

16-01-11, 12:52
Hi Becky :)

I too have anxiety, panic attacks caused by BDD. Crowds are really bad for me too, also struggle with going to the football/rugby. What meds are you on?

Hope you find help and comfort here.


16-01-11, 12:59
it changes everything when you feel the only one ive completely switched off from the world have you been to the gp for some advice

17-01-11, 10:25
hi jayne thanks for that and your so right before i found this site i was going to go to my nearest sphyciatric ward and sign myself in! i was so afraid because i didn know what was happening to me.a weight lifted when i saw this site and as you siad its a start im happy with that

17-01-11, 17:20
Hi becky im the same im new to this to

18-01-11, 21:56
Becky about a month ago, i went to the doctor and said can i go away and come out when i feel better lol, so i know how you feel. I am the same gone from being a happy go lucky very sociable person, to someone who has trouble walking round Asda. Chin up mate, email if you ever wanna chat x

19-01-11, 19:51
Im also a newbie found the site by chance initially just reading the info pages then after reading a few posts felt like I was reading about myself. Just reading the comments on here makes me feel better and less uptight knowing there are others going thru the same. Welcome!

20-01-11, 19:13
hi beckyboo 83 im exactly the same as you but this site seems a really helpfull place to be