View Full Version : need a dr who actually cares! had enough!

06-01-11, 21:04
things have only been getting worse lately and I'm sick of it!
I've been having trouble with my breathing whereby the air is pushed out of my lungs sometimes, like someone has just punched me in the stomach and winded me, and the rest of the time it feels uncomfortable to breathe! I don't believe that it's anxiety as it's ALL the time but my doctor just says it's anxiety and hasn't bothered to send me for any tests! I'm getting desperate and have been having awful thoughts about ending my life as I just can't cope anymore! my life has been ruined by my anxiety, I cant work, I can't go out, I'm on benefits but they won't pay me full benefits and I can't afford my bills and things are gettin worse and worse! I need to know what is wrong that is causing these breathing difficulties!
can anyone help? any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

06-01-11, 21:19
hi punkprincess... i went to the docs today, loads of symptons but my main concern was just like yours, the breathing thing, you explain it really well ! My doctor is just like yours, she seems to think its all anxiety related. She put me on sertaline today, so I'm really hoping that shes right and the symptons start to disappear, I've been fighting the anxiety for almost a year and things just can't continue this way for me, I have my little girl to care for. Hope things get better for you soon. Take care

06-01-11, 21:23
yes i am sure you do not believe its anxiety .. thats why you feel it strong !! and once you believe it you will miss it at all :) ... it could more more and even stronger and worse so believe it

you mind can do wonderful stuff to your body ... just relax and forget it then try to find why you worry and solve your problems and do not think too much of your past
then do not think of future too much just live your day and smile

then everything will be Ok with you

have a nice night

06-01-11, 22:39
thank you for your replies!

cookie10- have you had any tests at all? I'm not sure what tests I should be requesting!

06-01-11, 23:10
I've had my bloods tested, ie, liver funtion, diabetes, kidney, thyroid and cholesterol, apart from my cholesterol being slightly high everythng was fine. Doc says theres nothing wrong with my heart or lungs as they would have found out when I was pregnant, my daughter is almost two. I kind of think my doc is right, it's just when the anxiety creeps in really bad we always seem to think the worst. I have suffered with anxiety since I was 24 am now 38.

07-01-11, 08:27
Breathing problems have always been my main anxiety symptom and have caused me so much anquish over the years.
What you are looking for is reassurrance from your doctor and I completely know where you're coming from. Is there another doctor in your practice that you could see??
Chances are it is anxiety causing you to over breath (hyperventilate). Read all you can about it and try some of the breathing exercises which will help. It is a really horrible symptom of anxiety/panic because it gives you other horrible symptoms like chest discomfort, lightheadedness, tingling of hands and feet etc etc.
Best wishes

07-01-11, 10:26
Although symptoms like this can be feel intense and can be alarming, the doctor knows best. If nothing else, it's good for your anxiety to remember they have years of experience and know what they're talking about! Learning to trust them, though it can be hard when you're feeling awful, will help when you're feeling symptoms like this.

However, is he just saying "that's anxiety" then not offering help? My doctor would normally speak to me about my mood if I am complaining of anxiety symptoms and we'll look at what action I can take to try and beat the feelings.

I don't know if this will be popular opinion but I think it's always best not to request tests from doctors, as part of the struggle is learning to put your trust in medical professionals, which those who do not suffer from anxiety by and large do.

If you would like to ask your doctor, or a different doctor, for more help I'd suggest asking for help with your anxiety. It's a good idea to tell them about physical symptoms as they might want to check there isn't a physical cause, but if they say it is anxiety, try to believe them, then ask them for suggestions on what you can do.

Hope this helps

10-01-11, 13:33
Hi, thanks for the replies!
I know that i should trust my doctor and believe what she's telling me but i find it so hard when i feel like i cant breathe! i've spent yet another night with hardly any sleep thanks to my breathing and i'm feeling worse today as everyone is at work and i'm on my own! i know when i'm hyperventilating and that it's just me and my anxiety doing that but this "winded" feeling feels like it could be something else... it's like someone gives my lungs a quick squeeze and the air is pushed out and i cant physically take in a breath! it scares me to death and i'm constantly thinking "what if next time it happens it doesn't stop and i can't breathe again...?"
I dont want to google it as it will probably come up with all sorts but i'm wondering if maybe I should request a chest xray? surely it cant be anxiety doing this to me, can it?
its the one symptom that scares me the most too and i end up in a complete mess with it! i feel that if i can get this sorted then i might be able to start getting my life back!