View Full Version : Chest pain when running

06-01-11, 21:29
If anybody could help to reassure me I would really appreciate it. So for Christmas I got a Wii Fit, and when I tried to do the jogging i started to get a central chest pain. Of course it worried me at first, but it went away pretty much as soon as I stopped jogging then when I started again, there the pain was again. So I put it down to muscular pain or something, maybe the impact jarring my chest muscles or something. That was about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, tonight I get the Wii Fit out again and tried running, and there the chest pain is again after about a minute of gentle jogging. It's right in the middle of my chest. I'm absolutely worried sick, I literally feel sick. I didn't keep going to see if it got any worse because I was so worried I was about to drop dead of a heart attack.

I'm 22 years old and have had several ECGs, a 24 hour monitor and an echo, but never an exercise test. I was at the hospital yesterday for an appointment and they took my blood pressure and heart rate and my heart rate was 157 (I was having a bit of a panic), but I didnt have any chest pain.

I went to the doctor today because I have had 2 dizzy spells now, one over Christmas and one today, both out of the blue when I was just sat down doing nothing, and the doctor didnt seem concerned. Put it down to low blood pressure or low blood sugar. I also posted recently about a scary episode of palpitations about a week or so ago where my heart was suddenly irregular for about 5-6 seconds.

Now when I put everything together it all adds up to some kind of heart problem, and I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. Please can anybody help to reassure me??

06-01-11, 21:44
Hi there,

You sound like youve got what my mother would call a stitch, ive had this central chest pain myself a couple of times usually when im rushing somewhere. It feels a bit like it makes you breathless. My husband has actually had a heart attack, so im lucky to have him to reassure me. Its hard not to get into panic i know from experience, hope ive helped and keep up the wii fit im planning on getting back onto mine in hope all the exercise will life my mood!!

06-01-11, 21:46
:hugs:Can't say much to reassure you as I'm in the same boat - having bad chest pain, vertigo, dizziness, breathlessness, tight chest and palpitations - all of which are triggered by exercise - even just climbing the stairs floors me. Doc done 4 ecgs .. she reckons they functio as stress tests too as I was tachycardic at the time... and they got the all clear so apparently I'm OK but I really dont believe her at all.. Mum too keeps insisting I am fine :wacko: so you're definitely not alone :hugs:

Am away to go moan at GP on Mon so we'll see, maybe persuade her into giving me a 24 hr test/echo etc.

06-01-11, 21:49
Hi, thanks for your reply. Maybe you're right and it is a stitch, I just don't know. I'm so terrified that it's somehow heart related that I'm working myself up into a right state. I googled (bad, i know) and it all seems to be pointing to some kind of heart problem, especially when I think about these dizzy spells I've had. Although the dizziness hasnt happened during exercise. Another thing that has scared me is that I read that cocaine and other stimulants can cause these problems, but my panic attacks started about 4 years ago after I had started taking cocaine. I haven't touched it in 4 yrs but I'm worried i have done some kind of damage. Just wish I could think clearly and be free of these awful symptoms. :weep:

06-01-11, 21:52
Wow daisycake i can't believe you're having the same symptoms as me, I know this sounds bad but I am relieved I'm not the only one! Good luck getting the tests you want, I hope they manage to reassure you. I've had both of those tests about 7 months ago and they did reassure me for a while but now I'm having these symptoms I'm back to feeling awful again.

06-01-11, 21:59
:) same here, good to know you are not alone... would maybe mention to your GP and see what she says? .. I'm wondering if I ought to ring her tommorow just for reassurance .. her or British Heart helpline; theyre quite helpful - but dont want to get annoying! I know what they mean though; they took the ecg while I had a dizzy spell and all that so Im praying that it would have picked up any abnormalities! Though my mind then says "ah but that dizzy spell could have been different causes.." bla bla. I drive myself mad :roflmao:hopefully you too will find some reassurance, dont think those tests would have been clear if there was something to worry about!

Ad if you can get your heart rate to 157 wi no chest pain that does suggest its all OK I think x Hate this though- was sitting back in my seat and moved forward and got an ectopic. Not nice at all :(

06-01-11, 22:29
yeah i really hope you're right. I have read a few other posts on here about costochondritis and I'm wondering if it could be that... apparently that can be brought on by exercise although it also says that the area would probably be tender to touch, which it isnt for me. Has your GP ever mentioned that to you? I definitely think the ECG would have picked anything up for you if you were having your symptoms at the time, although i know it's not that easy to think like that when you're having chest pain and convinced you're about to drop dead! One thing I'm going to try is using my exercise bike and see if I get the same chest pain, then if i dont get it after 5 minutes I'll know it's not heart related. Do you get the chest pain no matter what kind of exercise you do?

06-01-11, 22:42
Yeah thats what I was diagnosed with - GP pressed my chest wall a bit and it did hurt - tonight its not so sore but then I feel a bit more relaxed now.., when it's really sore it does hurt to touch so I do think it might be muscular - and sometimes I wonder if thats where the breathlessness comes into it too. Only gets really bad after laughing. Been diagnosed with heart burn too so I'm not sure... dizziness seems to be constant right now however it only got bad after I started really panicing about it. Not always; I assume that walking up the stairs and walking rapidly to the bus would raise your heartrate to about the same level - and I've done both of them today but only ended up symptomy with the stairs.. I hate to say it and it may be tmi but I can actually have sex without feeling a lot of these symptoms; the only one that comes on bad is dizziness and occasionally palps (which as far as I know can be triggered by that as it is) so I do think I might be worrying meself senseless over nothing :blush: hope the exercise bike goes well, let me know how u get on x

06-01-11, 22:57
seems like this costochondrotis is quite common; i do feel more relaxed now i have another possible explanation. the palps and dizziness are awful. you cant help but worry can you! i too can have sex without any chest pain or dizziness or anything, although i have somtimes had palps during/just after. I was worried at first because i thought its bad if they are brought on by exercise, but tbh i think if u have them during sex its more to do with the adrenaline/breathing than anything. I'll let u know how i get on with exercise bike 2moro, and ul have 2 let me know how u get on with ur GP! xx

29-06-11, 14:22
just read up about costochondrotis and av to say i'm feelin bit relaxed as i think it could deffo be my chest pain problems as like i've said on this site i have had ecgs and 24hr ecgs and they are ok so very well could be , might see if my gp thinks the same ,, thanks ann88 xx hope ur ok ? did u try the exercise bike ? hope u ok :) keep us posted

05-07-11, 23:23
had this the other day when cycling, been since and didn't return thankfully