View Full Version : Off Balance feeling

06-01-11, 22:08
When I sit on a chair or toilet I get obsessed with my heart and it feels a steady beat...I feel swung to the left and feel off balance from the top of my body. My head feels it's swinging to the other side and it usually tenses up and just feel I'm rocking all over the place.

As I lean forward I feel I'm falling back on my chair too? I also sometimes feel off balance when I stand up. Part of it is I can't relax in my chair so I'm always moving around. My chest area is quite tight at the moment and feels like I'm being pushed to the side..hard to explain.

Anybody else had this? If so how do I stop it? :shrug:

06-01-11, 22:14
When you walking does it feel like your on the deck of a ship?

06-01-11, 22:25
When you walking does it feel like your on the deck of a ship?

It has done in past weeks but this problem is more when I'm seated and less when I stand up. :huh:

paula lynne
06-01-11, 23:25
Could be anxiety related vertigo Phil. I get it every day. The only way to deal with it is realise it wont hurt you, and get on with your day. Paula

07-01-11, 23:07
I woke up and never had this problem today but it kind of came on so maybe that confirms it's anxiety?

I've been getting alot of funny body sensations like feeling stiff, frozen, headache lately. I'm struggling to sleep and staying indoors again though but I read 40 pages of a CBT book tonight hoping it will some how help. Still struggling to accept it's just anxiety at times. :blush:

07-01-11, 23:15
I had most of what you have describe in the past when my anxiety was bad.

I'm currently getting the off balance feeling - im sure its anxiety, but I have no other symptoms or worry other than when I get the off balance (then i worry about it n geting anxiety back). I used to have it over 12months ago when I had bad anxiety and it went when my anxiety did. I have felt 100% fine for 12 months and odd Im getting this now (it all co-insides with having a bad chest infection n being on antibiotics) Think I just need convince myself its just the anxiety again and try and get past.

08-01-11, 00:15
i think i have had every possible anxciety sympton everrrrrrrr