View Full Version : Fear of health problem or fear of .....

06-01-11, 22:13
Hi, ive been having a really bad time panicking about breast cancer (this is just my current health worry, many other health worries have came and gone over the years) anyway, i got to thinking about what i was really frightened of and began to think about whether my health fears are more to do with me or what im afraid to miss if anything were to happen to me. For instance family, the things i enjoy (or used to enjoy before my life got consumed with worrying all the time, as im actually afraid to enjoy myself lately as i feel im almost tempting something bad to happen, i know this sounds daft but perhaps some of you can relate to it). Anyway i wondered if anyone else may have felt this was the case for them too and would love to hear how you may have gotten over this or even just some advice on how to get my life back and stop feeling to bogged down, the most i get a month is 2/3 good days at the moment. Ive tried to stop checking and worrying but i then just worry that ill miss an important sign or that i already have. Its a nightmare!

06-01-11, 22:34
I know what you mean about tempting fate. I read into everything and try really hard not to be overly concerned with "luck" or "fate". Anyway, I too have dealt with this for many years and I would say that I am through the worst of it but stuck at a point better than I used to be but no cured. For me talking about my fears with the doctor and exercise are really the only consistent things that have helped. I also try really hard to get enough sleep since my anxiety goes through the roof when I don't get enough sleep. Of course I have 3 small kids, a full time job and I am working on a graduate degree so sleep is never enough. The Claire Weekes books help as does 5 htp. I have tried SSRI's and not had good luck with them. It really helps to help others on this board too. I don't know why, it just does. Good luck and post as much as you need to.


06-01-11, 23:07
I hear you - i kind of 'drop out' when my HA kicks in and I neglect lots of things. Not easy with three kids and a demanding job, but hey....
1) My wife died of breast cancer three years ago. It killed her in three years. She was so UNLUCKY. But, she said in many ways it was the best thing that happened to her and I genuinely believe she had a spiritual breakthrough. So yes, it sucks, but people handle it. You can never be sure you WILL or WON'T get it. All you can do is make lifestyle changes to give yourself the best possible chance.
2) What are you really afraid of? Dying, sure, but one therapist asked me if I was afraid of LIVING. What changes do you need to make in your life to be happier, or what important decisions are you putting off? The other way I try to look at it is that an awareness of death can help us appreciate life more? So health anxiety can maybe be a gateway to making some good changes in your life, and getting a wiser perspective on things

Good luck. And try not to worry about something you don't even have! (or probably never will.... and even if you do get it, you will find a way to cope and grow from it)