View Full Version : does anyone recognise these symptoms?

25-03-06, 10:39
I have got a cold at the moment and feel really bad! All day yesterday I was really sleepy, I could not keep my eyes open. As I am highly anxious and have to struggle to relax and sleep it felt really strange to just float in and out of sleep with what I thought was not anxiety. My brain would not let me though. Because it was not normal to relax and sleep I was frightened, I thought I was 'fading in to death' so I fought the sleep where I could. I hope somebody can recognise this and put my mind at rest. I should be ok, lets face it I slept and woke up this morning and managed to write this. After been so anxious feeling relaxed was terrifying.


25-03-06, 12:12
Hi maxine

I too am suffering with a stinking cold and feel awful ..... I thought they were supposed to get better, not worse as to-day I have no energy and cough and nose seems worse than yesterday and day before.

I know what you mean about floating in and out of sleep as I am doing that but every so often I get jerked awake .... it's like the anxiety is still trying to kick in even though I am relaxed - does that make sense?
I think our bodies must be needing time to rest and re-charge but our minds aren't letting that happen without a fight.
I am going to try my relaxation cd later and see if that helps.

Hope you feel better soon.


25-03-06, 13:55
Hi Maxine

This sounds like your body trying to get you to rest and recouperate from your cold. We often sleep more when not feeling too well and this is a natural response.

Rest, drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated and keep warm. These feelings will pass as you recover from the cold.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

25-03-06, 14:18
Hay max.
Your not well so of course love you will naturally need extra sleep,i have tonsilits at the moment, which is what i suffer from when i have bad anxiety... and even though i am so so ill, i am actually relaxing on the sofa, im actually allowed to..

So what ive worked out folks is this, if there was anything wrong with me, or you , or anyone... because we all think we are dying dont we, well most of us do... well it would all be present wouldnt it..when we are really ill with a cold, flu ect ect ----so dosnt that say how much it really is in the mind huh,thats defo something to think about.

I think its really scary isnt it, when we have to relax.... its almost like you want to make yaself anxious because then it cant just jump out on you like a NUTTER... how bizaree we are to have to think that way, but we are so used to be anxiuos , we dont know any difference right--- so we have to re-train ourselfs...and that takes time..and isnt no way easy.

Max enjoy this time, let your self relax... you never know love this could be the beginning to the end of this bout for you.. i hope so darling for your sake.

ash x

25-03-06, 18:00
Thank you for your answers it was reassuring. I have been getting quite weak, but I was hungry. I just could'nt be bothered to move. So I checked out low blood sugar, but I also got high blood sugar symptoms and they scared me. It will be a year since I had full blood tests done for reassurance. It makes sense if I have something wrong, but to feel so bad from anxiety seems crazy. I know it is anxiety after 10 years I should do, I think the cold just weakened me and made me paranoid. I am eatting as I write this and I don't feel as weak, I have had all these symptoms before, but common sense or logic don't apply when you feel bad.

Thank you for your support. x

25-03-06, 20:22
yes i get like that to......often end up phoneing mum telling here that am to scared to sleep because of this...

always loved never fotgotten..