View Full Version : Heart Twinges all day, please help.

06-01-11, 23:03
Today and over the past few days I've been experiencing pain in the heart/chest region around my heart.

19 year old healthy guy, don't smoke or drink.

Now, the twinges are almost like a throb, not a missed heartbeat although I've had a couple of them today as well. The twinges are at the top right of my heart chest are, close to the centre, near the top next to my shoulder.

An important point to note is, I saw a Gastroenternologist yesterday regarding my acid reflux, and he actually told me to try to get off the pills because they can make it worse in the long term. I was on one Nexium a day which is the most powerfull PPI, prior to that I was on two Omeprazole a day.

So after taking hsi advice I'm on one Omeprazole a day, took one last night and will take another tonight as my symptoms are worse at night. Now could it be acid reflux?
The thing is the twinges have been noticeable all day and feels a bit like someone pulling on a muscle at the top of my heart area, not really like how heartburn feels.

One of my big fears is about undiagnosed heart conditions ever since a healthy boy my age that I knew people who knew him died in his sleep due to an undiagnosed heart condition and I sometimes worry I have one.

These twinges are really scaring me, they are at the top bit of my heart and sometimes feel like fluid swirling in that area.

paula lynne
06-01-11, 23:43
Hi, acid reflux can present as the pain you are describing. Its often worse at night when we relax, or lie down too. Paula