View Full Version : States of Mind

07-01-11, 01:19
Hi all,

I was just sitting here writing when I started to go into one of my "states" again. I call it a state cause I don't know what else to call it. Sometimes, I go into these really dark thinking states that actually take me over completely and I am completely dysfunctional when it happens in all parts of my life. I could be completely happy, in manic, depressed, angry.. it doesn't matter what is happening... there is no specific trigger that I know of..

Just all of a sudden... I start to feel hopeless about life completely... and everything around me, I'm just ready to get rid of completely. Any thing that I would usually use as a reason why things are worth it (e.g. people I love, or people who love me, or both) don't work to take me out of it and I cannot feel anything really. It is a state of "calmness" while being tormented by "Dark" thoughts.

In this state, I have been very self-destructive. I have done things that I typically would not normally do, and feel no empathy or guilt towards it (until after the fact) but in the moment, I'm impulsive and not caring.

That is so vague so I suppose no one will really have anything to say about this...

But it's just weird that it can happen so quickly.. out of the blue... and I can't control the way it feels/the way I think when in that state... as well as the actions or decisions I make sometimes.

Little Girl Lost.


07-01-11, 02:06
Have you practiced embracing these moods like seasonal changes ? Perhaps they will have less control over you. I don't really know what to say otherwise.

07-01-11, 08:23
I get similar moments, no real trigger and they can swing either way. I've been told I'm on the bipolar scale somewhere or other which has reassured me I'm not completely mad! I'm yet to find decent meds though so now I feel as though I'm walking on egg shells.
I'd say if this is something which happens on a regular basis, go and see someone about it.

31-01-11, 00:31
Hi Lizzie! Yes, I am in the process now for seeing someone about this, and the speculative diagnosis is bipolar disorder (manic & depression)... bahhh... i guess that would explain quite a bit. I hope you found some help... I feel like I am walking on egg shells right now too...

31-01-11, 06:29
I'm glad you've seen someone and have an answer!
I go back and see my doctor today, hopefully I can show him antidepressants do me no good by showing him my mood diary and mood chart on my iPad app. They're more up and down than a yoyo at a world championship yoyo competition, lol!! :blush:
If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me! :)

01-02-11, 02:50
Awe, antidepressants do not help me at all as well! It is really good that you are keeping a mood diary and mood chart :D. Thank you, and also if you ever want to talk, feel free to message me as well :).