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View Full Version : 6 days without mirtazipine

07-01-11, 04:26
Had a bad night last night, I could feel the panic attack coming on, I kept telling myself I was OK its just the side effects of coming off the drug. My tinitus was starting to get to me. I listened to my deep sleep mediation cd by 'Glenn Harrold' that seemed to calm me somewhat, woke up all through the night but managed to get back to sleep. This morning however my nerves are calmer, thank God. Would love to hear from anyone who has experienced coming off anti depressants and let me know what they went through, this is all new for me. I am feeling very tired most of the time and cloudy in the head, but I am coping somewhat.

07-01-11, 05:30
hey there
I came off mine last Nov after being on them for a year.
I was a little scared as when I stared the meds I got every bloody side effect you could possible get it was just plain awful.
Coming off the meds was a real breeze, for the first couple of days I just had this head sensation, where I would be doing things and my head would every now and again feel like it was catching up with me, is the best way to describe it.
Other than that I had no side effects.

I think the hard part is all in the mind, I thought that I needed these meds to make me feel OK but reality was those meds just helped me block the anxiety throughout my ordeal and enabled me to deal with everything so coming off them I was actually OK.

All the best and just stick with it - it will take a little while for you to start feeling 'normal' and not experiencing side effects.