View Full Version : seasonal flu...Death

07-01-11, 04:34
I am offically terrified! all this talk abotu swine flu and H1N1 is scaring me so much... i read in the paper today a man down the road from me died from it... he was 38 and didnt have any medical problems before getting the flu...

now i have become ill i am coughing up a storm and sore throat and cant breath easily....

im so scared.

macc noodle
07-01-11, 07:34
I am too but what can we do ?

Well I suppose we can be ruthless in our rationale here - it would be exceptionally bad luck to get it as it still seems to be in line with normal rates of deaths from flu for the season.

The problem this time is that the virus seems to be attacking younger "healthier" people rather than the usual death rate in the elderly.

We must just sit tight and hope for the best!

07-01-11, 09:47
I read in the paper the other day that over 100,000 people die each year in hospitals purely down the wrong diagnosis and infections. A 19 year old girl died from a cold the other week but how many do you know that have colds? And don't forget that 12 people a year die from falling over while putting on their socks! Don't we all put our socks on every morning? I think we are all terminally worried (me included) and health is and always was a very strong candidate to be top of the list of worries. I'm going to sit tight and hope for the best too!

07-01-11, 10:28
The media are making a huge thing out of this again at the moment, I'm not saying it's not tragic that people have died but looking at previous years it really isn't that unusual. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, merely to try and put some perspective into this. There are close to seventy million people in this country. Fifty flu deaths since October are nowhere near pandemic rates.

07-01-11, 12:05
if I can add my two pennyworth as well, yes I definitely think that the media have jumped on this one, as they jumped on it last year. I've had to spend loads of time with information about swine flu as it's part of my job in the NHS and I was working on the pandemic preparations for about 5-6 months last year.

Every year there are a large number of people who die from flu, or the complications of flu (usually pneumonia). However, generally the people who die from flu are over 65, as that is the "normal" age profile for the victims.

What makes H1N1 different is that it affects younger people, i.e. those mostly under 50. This is because other major flu viruses were around in the before this which have given older people immunity against it.

Another thing that has made the media jump on this is that H1N1 is actually the same strain of virus as caused the great "Spanish Flu" pandemic in 1918 which killed many thousands of people. But - people were far less better nourished that we are now, they had just been through a major war (WW1) and health care was pretty basic compared to today. Therefore it spread more quickly and caused a lot more problems.

Most of the people who are badly affected with H1N1 have other problems that compromise their immune system, or are pregnant, or have just given birth, like a couple of the well-publicised cases in the last week or so. There is also definitely a random element to it, whereby a small number of otherwise healthy people can become very ill with it. But that's random, and is one of those things that it's a waste of time worrying about, to be honest.

The Department of Health are expecting the flu figures to peak in the next couple of weeks, as children have just gone back to school which will trigger a rise in cases. After that, it should start to decrease. the best thing people can do is follow the campaign advice and stay away from other people if they suspect that they have flu themselves, which will reduce the spread of it.

Hope this helps!

07-01-11, 12:21
Ooo! That's great information blueangel!

Also, I haven't worried about swine flu this year, although I normally would. I think this is just because I've realised that in my life I haven't got proper flu more than a handful of times, and I'm actually unlucky as I got it quite frequently when I was kid!

If I have understood this right, you are just as likely to catch flu this year as you were last year and the year before that and the year before that. Generally, people don't catch it every year and don't worry about it.

Swine flu is serious in a way but not in quite the same way the media seems to be saying. It's not like there's been an outbreak of meningitis picking off young people everywhere! It's still rare to die from flu.

I liked the comment about people dying putting their socks on. The same rule probably applies here. As Blueangel said, deaths in the healthy are random.

07-01-11, 13:09
.....also people who are reported to have died with ‘no medical problems/history’ often are found to have one on post-mortem. Where-as HA suffers effectively keep on top of their health the opposite applies to a lot of people in that even though they know they are unwell will not seek medical intervention.

07-01-11, 14:49
I'm another one freaking out about this as every year without fail I get struck down with the flu since having my little girl four years ago and I mean proper flu wher I can't even get out of bed. So far this winter I haven't had it and I really hope to god I don't get it either.

07-01-11, 15:20
I think that most people even people like me who dont suffer from HA are worried about seasonal flu and swine flu. It is often the complications of these illnesses that kill people such as pneumonia. I know two people who have had pneumonia since November. One has since been in hospital and discharged. I think that we have to be sensible about this. If you are eligible for a flu jab then have it. I have had mine as I am asthmatic. If you do become ill then stay in in bed until your temperature is normal and you are eating and drinking normally. Ask for help if you need it. If you think that you are getting worse/ not getting better/ high temperature/ child with high temperature see a doctor. If no-one is listening go to A and E. It is often difficult to get a diaganosis and the correct treatment once you are ill.My husband had pleurisy (complication of the flu). The duty doctor was very reluctant to come out to him but agreed my husband was seriously ill. This was during the last flu 'epidemic' Do not go out or go to work if you are ill with the flu. Take care. EJ.

07-01-11, 18:02
Don't forget that you can also pay for the flu jabs. I know that Tesco's do it and the prices vary but should be around £10 - £12

07-01-11, 18:36
is it not only for people in certain risk groups?

i am pretty worried as i am 22 and people my age seem to be getting hit pretty bad!
i even bought a flu mask today just in case the woman at boots asked me if i felt embarrassed wearing it around...
i simply said no i am more embarrassed for the people who are coughing and not covering their mouths.

07-01-11, 19:14
I can get it free as I am at high risk. I need to go and book it next week really.

If you want it but can't get it free then you can pay for it.

07-01-11, 20:13
Don't forget that you can also pay for the flu jabs. I know that Tesco's do it and the prices vary but should be around £10 - £12

And club card points too :)

07-01-11, 20:22
im so scared to that i have taken days of work to prevent myself from getting it but i no i carnt stay off forever and thats whats scaring me :weep:

07-01-11, 21:21
Hanlo - why not get the flu jab then?

08-01-11, 00:59
becouse then i feel bad on people who really need them.. i dont no what to do im also scared that the flu jabs will make me illl

08-01-11, 01:03
You can pay to get it though - the NHS has its own resource.

I have not had it yet cos I am so scared of the side effects and I am seriously worried about it but my point is that I am not posting saying I am scared of it yet I know I can get the jabs.

08-01-11, 01:07
ok well i no now i can get the jabs but im still scared

08-01-11, 01:18
yeah but what i am saying is why be scared when you know there is something out there that can stop you getting it?

08-01-11, 01:29
ok yes understand what your saying but with my HEALTH ANXCIETY evan if i get the jab i no there will be somethink after that so my point being im scared of this whole swineflu meidia thing as it scary..evan though it has been round since 2009 and i have never evan had a normal flu ever..but i might go get it but like i sed aswell im scared of the complications after it just like you sed

08-01-11, 01:42
well it is your choice to have it or not.

I am so scaresd to have it but I am not posting saying I am scared of the flu cos I know I can have the jabs but am scared to do so. But I will next week

08-01-11, 01:54
well i am scared and i did post and what.you go get you jab good for you

08-01-11, 01:56
hanlo :hugs:x

08-01-11, 15:07
All we can do is protect ourselves that is all I am saying. I am being totally hypocritcal here as I said that I am scared of having the jabs but I will go next week and book it or I will only have myself to blame if I get the flu.

08-01-11, 16:31
Yes Nic, get it done! :lac:

(I cancelled mine a few weeks ago because I was scared lol)

09-01-11, 13:39
im now reading that people witha high BMI should get the jab done! and that is what category i fall under(even more so now because of xmas!lol).... they say people with a high BMI are more likely to result in death with the flu...

today i am feeling terrible :( last night was worse i am having problems breathing shortness of breathe and not being able to catch my breathe.... luckily i have no fever so i am relying on that

09-01-11, 13:52
If you can get the flu jab either because you fall into an at risk group or otherwise get it done. In some areas doctors have already run out. EJ.

09-01-11, 14:20
hey folks!
first off - Caaalmm!! i too was petrified of this and then i did some research and found that over 2000 people die each and every year of the seasonal flu and as it turns out 2010 was the first year in a long time to have seen a decrease in deaths.

The reason every case is being published right now is because of H1N1 swine flu. Swine flu in 96% of cases goes undiagnosed because it is similar to a normal cold or minor flu and a few days of recuperation see's us back to normal without any fear or harm. However, because last year, the NHS and the press scaremongered so much and declared it as a pandemic, they are trying to justify the money and fear they have put us all through. Swine flu is said to be non existant within 3 months - the same as bird flu was.

The only ones making a big deal out of the swine flu are the ones who are tryng to make headlines or trying to line their pockets. Ive done a LOT of research into this and i promise there is no need to panic.


09-01-11, 14:26
Thank you so much holly xx

09-01-11, 14:34
No problem!! x

15-01-11, 08:59
I love the advice, thank you.

I am presuming i have had some form of flu this past 2 weeks, i was on holiday and lost my appetite and believe me im an eater!! then i took to my bed with a full on cold and not feeling well, sweating, then cold, then hot again, on the 2nd day in bed i was vomiting, next 2 days couldnt get out of bed, then if i came down the stairs i was sweating! lasted from start to fininsh about 2 weeks and i was left with a cold, I have mild asthma but was taking both inhalers as i was obsessed i couldnt breath.

I am still a bit tired, but i measured my breathing and its as crap as it is normally on the peak flow about 400 so now im trying to reason that i think i have had the flu but am getting better. thank God no one else in my family picked it up, aside from that i still cant eat alot, good for me, but now im convinced i have stomach cancer or ovarian cancer as they both say a reduced appetite and trouble eating are symptoms!!

cant win lol.

Funny thing i have just had the letter yesterday from my GP saying im at risk so need to go get the swine flu jab, i think im gonna pay for it and get the mixed jab myself.

thanks for all the info, it is good to read rationally.
