View Full Version : blip

jaded jean
07-01-11, 07:21
After what seems a long time I am in the midst of the dreaded blip. When it has come before it seemed less harsh and life was still manageable. This time I feel like I have been kicked sideways it is so bad. I am managing to get up and go to work for which I am eternally grateful for I am longing to go to bed in the afternoons just to escape but hold myself back. but I am crying more and feeling like I am going insane . Do our levels of seretonin fluctuate more when this happens or is it the medication.
Hopefully this wont last for much longer - it has been a week now but it has had such an impact on me this time

07-01-11, 08:48
I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, IT HAPPENS TO ME ALWAYS, there is one or two weeks when i am really happy and anxiety free, than there is that period of 1 week that i feel really down and hopeless...i dont know about the serotonin thing though, i am taking 10 mg cipralex btw

07-01-11, 11:53
Hi Jean

It might be the winter that is making things worse for you - do you find that you're often worse when the days are shorter? Evidently lots of anxiety symptoms get worse because of our lack of exposure to the sun.

jaded jean
07-01-11, 13:59
Dabrucru I am on citalopram and Amitrypyiline.
blueangel there of course has to be connection with the shorter days. It is awful when I wake up at the mo as I want to stay in bed but know I cannot as I was in bed for a month when I had my meltdown.and Its the association of itmaking me feel I am ill again when I am not does that make sense??
I have a responsible job and once I am in the thick of it I am great but I know the mornings when I am on my own till hubby gets up which can be late I feel like I was at the beginning. I know I have got to retrain my brain but god it is so hard sometimes,;-(