View Full Version : Anyone worse in the mornings?.

07-01-11, 07:23
When i wake in the mornings i feel sick/shaky and want to cry after ive got up taken my meds which are Duloxetine/pregabalin i start to feel a little better..i have a few wobbly times during the day some days better than others..anyone in a complete mess when the awake too?.

07-01-11, 07:48
i always feel like crap in the morning always really tired a grogy and moody as well and much more anxtiouse if i haent slept much the night b4 its a common thing most people start feeling better by like 12-1 in the afternoon i think, just another 1 of thoes things =]

07-01-11, 08:10
Hi Sandy
I sometimes used to feel very weak and wobbly in the mornings, so much so that my legs would buckle on the way to the bathroom - I would then panic about it and of course, make it ten times worse. Consequently, I used to dread the mornings.
However, I mentioned it to my doctor and he explained that it was probably low blood sugar and advised me to keep a couple of biscuits and a drink and have them before trying to get up. - it did the trick for me. it makes it worse if you've had a bad night.

07-01-11, 09:10
i always feel more anxious in the morning i dont know why x

07-01-11, 09:56
Mornings are always the worst for me, its dark and quiet and the old brain starts working overtime, I have to get up and do something.

07-01-11, 10:05
mornings are definitely the worst for me....... come evening I can actually start to feel somewhat human !! :D

07-01-11, 16:52
evening are worse for me. i have more time to think.
in the morning its get up and go and im with people all day. how ever if i have nothing to do that day and having a lazy morning, there just as bad.

07-01-11, 17:21
I usually feel ok in the mornings, I get worse as the day goes on and late at night I am at my worst, particularly if I am alone, and have nothing to do. I have bouts of insomnia where I have nothing to do but sit and think and not sleep. Not fun.

07-01-11, 22:35
I am exactly like you, pd. I have had almost all of my panic attacks right before bed or in the middle of the night (usually a restless night). When I lie in bed at might my mind starts working and that's when I have most of my heart palpitations too (during bad periods).

08-01-11, 00:57
I usually feel ok in the mornings, I get worse as the day goes on and late at night I am at my worst, particularly if I am alone, and have nothing to do. I have bouts of insomnia where I have nothing to do but sit and think and not sleep. Not fun.

08-01-11, 01:08
It is all about how you face the morning...
"oh god another day I am going to feel crap!"

or " oh a new morning - today is going to be different"

You need to change the thought processes that go on in the morning and recognise they are negative and turn them into posittives...

"hey it is a new morning and I am going to be ok today"

08-01-11, 01:58
I have "Good Morning" from "Singin' in the Rain" as my alarm call. Always makes me smile (eventually :D)

08-01-11, 09:28
It is all about how you face the morning...
"oh god another day I am going to feel crap!"

or " oh a new morning - today is going to be different"

You need to change the thought processes that go on in the morning and recognise they are negative and turn them into posittives...

"hey it is a new morning and I am going to be ok today"

Would defo go along with this. I used to wake only to first think am I still worried , do I still had the smyptoms. I would spend most of the day working myself up only to finally ghet my head round it and calm down just before bed (poss due to being shattered from all the thinking). Then wake the next day and start again... need to break the cycle and try to think differently

08-01-11, 11:08
bad morning means you had a bad sleeping ....