View Full Version : mouth ulcers :/

07-01-11, 08:10
hey guys i haven't been on in a while as my laptop charger broke and xmas and all that so been quite occupied with myself, so just gonna say hi and hope every1 had a good xmas and a happy new year... now lets get down to bushiness i haven't ever really had mouth ulcers only the odd 1 from time to time so like 'normal' i would imagine but recently iv been getting then a lot more which atm has been 1 last mouth or 3weeks ago on my lip and now a cluster of about 4-5 witch to me seems a lot it may be 'normal' but after reading instead of thinking that its stress i think iv got some kind of illness =[, would any1 recommend getting a blood test or not just to bother? i don't know why im worried its only a mouth ulcers but its the the HA kicking in :/

Thanks for reading my question

07-01-11, 09:56
At the height of my anxiety I had a mouth full of ulcers and mouth blisters (blood filled). Easily had 5 or more covering my tongue, roof and gums - I still get them when I feel slightly on edge but once my anxiety decreased the ulcers got better. Hope that helps.

07-01-11, 10:18
cheers im just not the type of peron to usaly get ulcers so its just up there playing on my mind, thanks though =]