View Full Version : anxiety and love any help pleasee

07-01-11, 10:04
ello this is how it started, i have been with my boyfriend for 15 months i am 18 nearly 19 when we first got to together it was amasing and i got so excited i quickly fell in love with him (he is my second love) i had never felt the way i did with him for anyone before , the relationship was going great we hit a rough patch were we argued alot of the time but then we didnt argue atall after i always worried about him and i have never ever had any self confidence,about 8-9 months into the relationship i was on the way to his and i felt really weird and i just didnt stop crying for days wouldnt stop shaking and was really ill , he got really nervous and got so worried that i didnt love him anymore and it was his fault , ever since then i felt weird about my boyfriend and then we had a small break i cryed and cryed and was heart broken, he then came to my door one day and said lets do it again and i was over the moon and the feelings all went and it was all positive feelings after a couple of days all the negative thoughts came back , these thoughts are i dont think i love my boyfreind , hes going to leave me , hes going to cheat and a lot more , i know i love him more than anythingg and hes the biggest part of my life and i would love to have a future with him thinking of me with others makes me feel sick but the feelings arnt there , i have had around 6 anxiety attacks ,i have been seeing a counsilor for a few months and i have been feeling this feeling for 9 months now but i will not give up can anyone help me please , thankyou so much does anybody think i will feel as in love as i once felt before ?how long have you felt like this before it all went back to normal ?

a few people say maybe you have just fallen out of love but i dont believe you can suddenly in a second fall out of love if your relationship hasn't changed it was perfect and still is ,i i know i still love him.other wise why would i be this long with him , my dad had an affair and my counsilor thinks it hads something to do with it , when i think of my partner i worry because i can imagine him with someone else :,( i am going to the doctors this week to see if any medication can help my anxiety any advice ?and no matter what im always thinking negatively very rarely positively .

today i felt alot better because i stopped my self from worrying as much and last night i wrote why i love him and y i shouldnt i could think of one negative thing about him all positive, but when he goes home i get a bit worried again and end up coming back on here but trying to control that.

i also have really bad dreams that are so real about him leaving me or cheating on me and i just wake up and cry .

07-01-11, 10:16
hey im 19 and i had this with my girl friend but if you didnt love her you wouldnt be crying and there wouldnt be heart ace from theses silly thoughts with me i just totaly ignore them as i know i love my girl friends to bits and i get to decide that not the silly anxiety voice in my head and its the same for you and your could be like becomeing depressed cuz i went to my doctors and told him about it and for me it was more that i just didnt feel emotions not happy not sad or anything just bluuua if that makes sence tbh dw about it this what your doing now proves you love him and dont let any1 else tell you different for me if anything it has made me grow fonder and love my girlfriend more cuz your try a lot more with them trust it will go away its just your anxiety knowing that it can get you down by messing with the 1 thing you truely love anxiety is crule and dosent care how it dose things just chill spend time with him and tell him you love him its an easy as that, hope this helps =]

07-01-11, 10:23
thankyou so much makes me much happier to know im not the only one :) i have suffered for nine months with this feeling though but i am determined not to give up on him i love him and hes perfect . are u insecure about your self ? as i have no confidence atall . thankyou

07-01-11, 10:35
thats ok no worries and na im ok with that i would say i have confidence not as much as i did b4 i had anxiety but then i was really confident so yeh i guess? lol

07-01-11, 10:38
hi ... i think its all what you feel is not related to him and how much you love him
you would act the same with another person

all that because of your way of thinking and because your mind... you just relax and do the following
admit that you have anxiety and all what you feel is because of anxiety so repeat it everytime you feel bad or you think of negative stuff " i am worry " thats it

and you can be worry for nothing it means you can be worry because you have anxiety
all world is running normal but you think not because you are worry about him and other things ...

the big answer for your problem is to challenge and face that fact
that you are anxiety
and face it by totally ignorance and try to smile and be happy even you are not internally but this will be important for external relations with others

first you should act as normal
and hid these things so will not lose or get in troubles with others like your boy or your family members
then start to solve it
once you think about drugs to solve it, this mean you have weakness and another proof of your anxiety ... no drugs for this time
just face your problem and be strong and you should no that you can change your brain map and mind way of thinking and totally .. yes you can do it
you should think in this way
i should do it
and remember you lost all days that you were worry or sad ... so no more useless days
set with yourself ... and plan your emotional life
yes you love him ... but be logical
do not imagine anything
and do not explain anything, and do not concentrate too much in his reactions
in general you know he loves you and you do thats it just enjoy it and enjoy your life
what will happen in future is not your business and you should not worry about
i hope this could help you

sorry for my English

08-01-11, 18:42
thankyou so much for your replies but actually im feeling rather alot better i still cry but i no longer have to worry that i do not love my partner im not sure hopw it went but i spoke to a few close freinds and they really helped me now i dont worry about it atall so thats great :) just need to stop worrying now :(