View Full Version : moving sensation

07-01-11, 11:34
Has anybody had a feeling of moving when they are sitting/standing still.
I've had this for a year now, had all the relevant ear/balance tests, all ok. It's suggested it may be related to anxiety? I'm sick of it, don't feel normal anymore.

07-01-11, 12:06
I get it, sometimes I sway with it without noticing or start leaning to the side to compensate the feeling in my head, most of the time I get a moving downwards feeling, like in a lift.

07-01-11, 12:16
this is the main reason for my anxiety, if the moving feeling would go, i'd be ok, it's a vicious circle. Been to docs to ask for CBT, there's a 1 year waiting list, so this why i'm on here, i'll have to sort myself out.

07-01-11, 13:51
Had it on and off and more on for the last 25 years
Hope it goes for you soon x

07-01-11, 18:55
I get this every now and again, takes me by suprise alot of the time. I find it quite scary, it comes out of the blue.
When I'm sitting I have to stop what I'm doing and when I'm stood up I pretty much have to stop myself falling over.

07-01-11, 18:59
If it's not an ear prob, is it due to shallow breathing?

08-01-11, 07:38
It is probably an ear problem! I suffer (and have) for the past 13 years or so from "BPV" (benign positional vertigo). Google it and you will get lots of info. I even have a few friends that have this themselves. It could also be Labrynthitis which can almost produce the same exact symptoms. While it is scary, you learn to compensate. BPV is when the so called 'rocks' in the ears get displaced and Labs is more like some type of infection that hits your ears. The other people I know have had it off and on for about the same amount of time. One just learns to live with it, but there is an exercise to more or less put the rocks back in place that you could learn to do from a PT....any questions, you can email me.



08-01-11, 09:30
This is the only smyptom of anxiety I'm having at the moment - if it wasn't for that Id feel OK. I'm sure its the anxiety as I had in past when anxeity was really bad and it went when the anxiety did

08-01-11, 15:00
You sound the same as me, I've had the moving feeling for a year. The anxiety has come worse since then. Doc offered me meds but sure not sure I want to go down that route. Did you feel better on yours?

20-01-11, 19:57
I Get this too. It sometimes feels like a wave of unsteadiness. I am suffering with it at the moment. It is only when standing or sitting still. I thought it was my eyesight. I currently feel like I am on a boat. When I get it as a rush I get a feeling as if someone or something is swaying me. Not sure what the cause is but I have had it on and off since 2006 and nothing more drastic has occurred so started to live with it.

I think the most worrying aspect is that it comes on seemingly when I am relaxing and not necessarily feeling more anxious or yet I don't think I am.
