View Full Version : Sore throat - please help

07-01-11, 12:12
Hi I have had a sore throat since wednesday night is it normal to have a sore throat for this long? I normally only have one for a day or so. Could it be throat cancer? Any had a sore throat for a while?

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise XXX

07-01-11, 16:19
"for this long"!!......... it's only Friday......... now come on...... you are joking aren't you? Sore throats can often last a week or more.

07-01-11, 16:45
i shouldnt worry you could try a spray for throats lot going around at the moment

07-01-11, 17:34
i have a sore throat now for 9 days and im not worrying about it, its normal to last up to 14 days. dont stress about it

07-01-11, 17:51
Sore throats last weeks sometimes. It is not cancer.

macc noodle
07-01-11, 23:26
Mine has been sore since 21st December :(

But still standing.....................

08-01-11, 00:06
hmmm maybe its a a throught infection caused by stress and you should go docs and get antibiotics

08-01-11, 11:50
Hi, I still have my sore throat. How long shall I leave it before going to docs?

Love Louise X

08-01-11, 12:03
does it have white at the back of you throuht??? if so go walk in today only coz it will be infection if it just sore try strepsils if still theere monday go docs i think