View Full Version : WHEN ARE WE READY????

25-03-06, 11:42
hi there,

I wondered if you could help me out on this one? When are we ready????

All the 'BIG' things we put off due to GAD and panic attacks (say driving lesson, dental appointments).

If I could achieve these I would be over the moom:D BUT, if I failed would it knock my progress?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated xxx

Love :DPinky:D

25-03-06, 12:05
Hi Pinky,

Hmm, good question!

I know that when we first start suffering panic/anx/depression then this is definately not a good time to attempt anything "big".

However, I think that when we have suffered for a while, completely realise that it IS nothing physical and is genuinely anx etc, then it becomes all to easy to fall into the trap of "Oh, I'm not well enough to tackle that, I'll wait til I'm better". But, how long will that take? If I had waited til I was cured, I would still be waiting, some 25 years down the line!

The best thing to do is to just have a go at things that matter to you. If you don't do as well as you had hoped, yes it will knock you back a bit, but you will get over it and try again!

The worst thing we can do is to continually wait til the time seems right to tackle our fears.

Give it a go, you might surprise yourself! ;)


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

25-03-06, 13:40
Hi Pinky

I think if we keep thinking and pondering when will be the 'right' time to tackle these fears that time never actually arrives. Small steps forward and tackling these things one at a time is more helpful.

Perhaps make a list and decide which is the least anxiety provoking and start aiming towards that first goal. Go slowly and work up to it, pushing back the boundaries of your comfort zone a little at a time.

We all suffer setbacks along the way but this is NOT failure. All the time we keep trying and being proactive this is success and working towards overcoming the problems.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

25-03-06, 15:50
The more I've given into the panic attacks and avoided places the worst I've got!

I'm going to just force myself to do things. I crap myself at first but afterwards I'm proud of myself!

My advice don't give in, don't let knowing you have a problem debilitate you from doing things!!


25-03-06, 23:22
[^]Thanks so much for your replies, they are greatly appreciated!!

And you are right, I will give them a go..........after all what have I got to lose?????

'If at first you don't suceed, then try try again' as the saying goes!!!

I think I have more to lose if I don't try them

I'll let you all know how it goes.

Thanks again

Love :DPinky:D

26-03-06, 00:29
Hi Pinky

We are ready when we know we are and no one can tell us that. They can advise and offer all the support they can but deep down we know what we can face. When you decide that we are all here to support you all the way.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 19:58
Push yourself slowly and gently - little step by little step

Success breeds success and breeds confidence


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress