View Full Version : Stomach issues?

07-01-11, 16:44
Hi, today i have a pain in my stomach, somtimes in centre and sometimes down to my lower hip area and in my groin. sometimes it can really hurt. Also i burp so much during the day. like 5 times in a row about 10 times a day.
A year ago i had constant stomach pain like this for 6 months (but never thought anything of it and i never saw a doc about it, sometimes i was nearly crying with pain) i get this pain every week or so for a day. Also i used to have trouble pooing and would hold it in for 7 days before i went. Yesterday my bowel movement was normal size but loads of little balls. Really worried about cancer. or is this IBS? acid reflux? :S
Also i was put on antibiotics two months ago and that gave me bad indgestion and ever since then ive been burping more and more (even though i used to before just not as much)
worried about liver/kindey failure so i keep checking my skin to see if its yellow. Also when i pulled when my right sleeve up earlier the skin is all itchy/flaky and scartched but i havnt been scratcing. worried :mad:

07-01-11, 16:45
also its sore to press against my tummy.

07-01-11, 16:56
and it hurts if i breathe in and i feel consipated.

07-01-11, 17:04
also had two periods this month, the 1st was unusual (lght, pain free and light brown dischage instead on bright red. )

07-01-11, 17:37
also been strange snoises from stomach for last few days. not rumbling noises though, i dont know how i would describe them.

07-01-11, 17:50
Blimey Emma calm down you are making us dizzy.

You really do need to get some serious help with the HA. Have you spoken to you GP about it all?

07-01-11, 17:54
i havnt spoken to my GP about this issue. the surgery closes in 5 minutes anyway. I have spoken to him about my HA and im waiting for counselling. :)

07-01-11, 18:12
hi,how can you or want to hold your poo in for 7 days!!! its waste wanting to leave your body,it would be balls cos its been sitting there for too long..i get pains like you,also in my lower back and shoulders.You go to your Drs and tell them everything..thats what there are there for.:hugs:

07-01-11, 18:13
Try to stop focusing on every single twinge in the body. It happens to all of us all the time. We are always getting little aches and pains here and there but ignore them whereas you are posting every time you get one.

Why not try ignoring it for a while and seeing if it goes away as quickly as it came on. I am betting it will.

07-01-11, 18:14
i havnt been holding it in for 7 days (that was about a year ago and it happened every week, i needed to go but cudnt)

07-01-11, 18:49
thanks x i went through the whole afternoon thinking liver/kidney faulire and cancer. its gone now but i get it a lot and i dont know why :)

07-01-11, 18:54
Hi Emma

I have been suffering the exact same symptoms for the last few months.

My symptoms are pains in my stomach, usually down the middle, a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes my groin hurts and I have incredible back pain. I'm unable to perform bowel movements for days on end, and my stomach makes gurgling noises even when I'm laying down.
I feel bloated and have indigestion even when I haven't eaten!

I have seen my GP numerous times for this problem and he prescribed Lactose syrup, which makes me go after about 4 days of taking 15mls.
I have had a scan on my groin which was clear, although it did reveal a polyp on my gallbladder which is not harmful.
I have a docs appointment for Tues 11th and I don't know what to say anymore! :weep:
I can't even adjust my diet because I already eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Emma, I really hope you find a solution for your problems because I know how you are feeling and it's not pleasant! I think my problems are down to stress and worry though.
I've worried about stomach cancer, liver cancer, kidney failure and others but have settled on stress and worry.
How do you change though when things are so tough?

Hope you feel better soon :)

07-01-11, 19:10
ouch, i know its horrible and i dont know what to do next lol. I change on daily basis. i was soing well for 3 weeks (no worries at all) then i got a bad headache one night, phoned my mum freaking out about anerysum lol and soon after caught a cold and now im back to worrying.
Ive just eaten a tuna sandwich and whilst eating got loads of it stuck lol and now ill sit here thinking "im gonna chock" because when i drink i can still feel it trying to go down. I hate this so much.
I hope your app. on the 11th goes well :)

07-01-11, 19:17
I bet you carry a bottle of water around with you like I do! Now that's panic!!!

07-01-11, 19:17
hi Em.ma.."so, good morning, good morning, sunbeams will soon shine through, good morning, good morning to you"...I've not gone mad, just trying to make you smile :Dx

07-01-11, 19:18
haha. i dont actually but i dont know why i dont :)

07-01-11, 19:19
gaaron im going to have to go listen to it now whilst trying to make this food go down which doesnt seem to be moving :@ :) good evening btw :D

07-01-11, 19:22
Have a little jig to it aswell!! I bet you'll not cheer up (just joking)..x

07-01-11, 19:26
:) ..... chest hurting now aswell :( feel as though this food is still not gone down to

07-01-11, 19:28
and ive been burping for like 10 mins nearly non-stop

07-01-11, 19:32
burping bit sounds like a bit of a bad habit you've got into...:) x

07-01-11, 21:09
You could have IBS. Anxiety can make it flare really bad.

07-01-11, 22:31
Yes, I definitely burp and have all sorts of IBS symptoms when stressed which makes my HA the worst. I think the best thing to do when you feel this way is stay close to the forum. Good luck! :)

07-01-11, 23:37
thanks. so scared cause i have itchy skin now to x

07-01-11, 23:40
Em.ma are you seeing a doctor?

07-01-11, 23:44
not yet, have to phone to make app. on monday if still feeling the same :)

07-01-11, 23:48
I think you should explain all your problems to him Em.ma. And then take the help he offers. You must be worn out with all this worrying. Now try and get some sleep xx

08-01-11, 00:11
awwww no i think you should have chammaille tea see if it helps

08-01-11, 11:23
Hi ... :)

08-01-11, 11:26
i do not think you need to see Dr ....

08-01-11, 11:36
awwww no i think you should have chammaille tea see if it helps

..or peppermint tea (and see the dr. ) x

08-01-11, 15:06
thanks, woke up this morning with stomach ache still :( got headache now and i feel sick :(

08-01-11, 15:58
worried about kidney/liver failure as the stomach issues were a problem for 6 months in 2009/2010 but i was never anxious about it so i never visited my doc.

08-01-11, 16:03
still hearing noises from stomach sometime to :(

08-01-11, 16:04

Your problems sound alot like mine. I have bad reflux which makes me burp alot and very gassy. I get LOADS of stomach/abdoman/groin/hip/back and side pain. I also suffer with IBS which gives me bad diahrea. I woke up in the middle of the night last night with severe stomach cramps and was on the loo for 30 mins. I think that my anxiety definately makes it worse. My symptoms are also worse when I am ovulating and also when I am due on my period.

Sorry I haven't got any words of wisdom, but just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

Could you try a stomach settler to see if that helps? Maybe a tums or a zantac might help? I know it helps for me.

See you dr and talk through your worries. I'm sure that your anxiety is making it worse.


08-01-11, 16:12
sorry to hear you have it to :(
i few months back i had it bad again and used to spend hours on the loo and nothing would ever happen. :(
im only put of because of the strange noises from my stomach lol.

08-01-11, 16:14
im not sure if i had IBS or something more serious?

08-01-11, 16:20
also for a long time now (about a year) ive been getting weird discharge but it seemed to have cleared up 2 months ago BUT when i get my stomach aches i seem to get more

08-01-11, 16:22
Sorry, I forgot to mention the strange noises that I also get from my stomach. Not a hunger noise more like a groaning? Your symptoms do sound alot like mine and I have been diagnosed with IBS and also reflux. Oh and I get nausea a hell of alot too. If your stools are little round nuggets then you are probably constipated and that would cause stomach pain/tenderness.

Go to your dr to put your mind at rest but I'm sure you'll be fine.

Hope you feel better soon x

08-01-11, 16:24
yes it is like a groaning noise (couldnt think of how to describe it, but thats how i would)
will make app. to see my doc hopefully on wednesday :)

08-01-11, 16:31
to much worrying for me all the time lol. I also have pain in my nose, ears popping and aching and headache (in forhead) at moment. hoping ite because of sinus issues and not that im catching swine flu lol.

08-01-11, 16:43
one more issue i have is that i have been urinating lots today and two weeks ago there was a day when i was aswell but it was clear (no yellow colour at all)

08-01-11, 17:11
Being a little over hydrated can cause clear pee, nothing to worry about. I too have been peeing a lot more than usual. Pretty sure it's just yet another case of anxiety.

08-01-11, 17:16
thanks i just put all these symptoms together and im now fearing cancer i hate it:

stomach pain
groin pain
irregular periods/different periods
frequent peeing (and clear colour somtimes)
weird stools
groaning/squealching noises from stomach
burping a lot

08-01-11, 17:30
also increased vaginal discharge when getting stomach aches- yesterday it was a yellow colour :S?
i used to get a lot of thrush like stuff but that went away on its own :S

Cell block H fan
08-01-11, 19:50
Blimey, you sound like me.
Not now, but before.
I rarely come on here now, let alone post, but most of your symptoms I have had all at the same time & I always connected them together & came up with the c word.
Thing is, this was years ago & I am still bumming about fine lol
The stomach issues sound loads like IBS.
I came on here the other day to check back to when I had had a particular stomach problem before, because it came back last week with avengance, & I was suprised to see a thread I started asking about it, was actually near on a year ago!
So that put my mind at rest, I mean, anything serious I would know about it by now?
Fortunately, as time goes on, you get wiser to this health anxiety. You realise you didn't get worse all those years ago when you had even worse symptoms than now, & had written yourself off to the point of crying non stop & even being suicidal (ok that may just be me) but I was even put on Diazapam to calm me down years ago, as I got in such a state over it all.
That was atleast 5 years ago now. The last 3 or 4 years I wised up. Gradually.
I still get ill, maybe more even, i'm 40 now. Aches & pains happen more often! But I no longer let it get to me. Things still cross my mind, but they leave just as quick now.
Older & wiser is a good saying.
I guess what I mean is, if you're going to worry, atleast learn from it, & when it passes, & maybe comes back again at some point, remember when you worried before & got through it, again, & hopefully in time you will be just a little bit more chilled. And the next time a little bit more than that, & so on.....

Cell block H fan
08-01-11, 19:55
also increased vaginal discharge when getting stomach aches- yesterday it was a yellow colour :S?
i used to get a lot of thrush like stuff but that went away on its own :S

If I said I had this about 8 or 9 years ago you probably wont believe me, but I did. Not wanting to gross you out but when I had sex it would pour out like water! I had never had that before, I was back n forth to the docs like ol billyo. He did tests, they came back clear, he gave me this cream that you insert with a plastic tampon applicator type device, that was supposed to reset the healthy bacteria or something?
Didn't make any difference.
In the end it stopped on its own. The doctor said stress can cause an increase in discharge. I dont know how true that is, but that's all I can think it was now.

08-01-11, 20:08
my thrush its no were near as bed now- and hardly ever present (but when i used to have stomach aches every day for 6 months i would get it bad) thing is i didnt have HA then and i wasnt worried so left it and now its back again.
I was stessed at the time though (school stuff, private stuff and my GCSE's)
Im hoping this is just rexlux/ibs i suffer with and not cancer lol. Ive been sitting tense all day so ive done my shoulder/back/chest muscles in again though :( they all ache now.
Also did u ever get noises from your stomach/chest?

08-01-11, 20:10
*bad not bed

macc noodle
08-01-11, 20:14
Hi Emma - me again - gosh you have several threads going don't you?

Why have you been sitting tense all day - it is Saturday - you should have got out and about for a bit instead of just stewing on feeling ill. Try it - it does work - stick your mp3 player on and go for a walk !!!

And, yes, IBS flare ups can include lovely gurgly rumbly noises in your stomach!!!!!

08-01-11, 20:57
thanks. gonna go for a hot bath now and see if it helps.
just a q i have a fruit cake down stairs but the sell by date says "Jan 2011" does that mean to end of jan? is it still ok to eat? :D

08-01-11, 21:00
Yeah - fruit cakes last ages. My aunt made a Christmas cake (fruit cake) over a year ago and it's still edible. Eating mouldy food by the by will do you little or no harm; unless it is fresh eggs (e.g. egg mayo), - mum; a trained chef; has just told me that the eggs in cakes are preseved and so are absoultely fine - seafood (such as prawns or fresh salmon NOT stuff like tinned tuna!), or meat... My gran has dry sauce packs from the 1990s (we're talking 1993) in her cupboard and still makes food with them.. I wouldn't (!) but she says its OK...

08-01-11, 21:05
thank you, didnt want to eat it and then cause my self more stomach upset because it was not good to eat x :)
and i cant beleive ur gran keeps stuff that long lol :O :) take care.

08-01-11, 21:19
hi,how can you or want to hold your poo in for 7 days!!! its waste wanting to leave your body,it would be balls cos its been sitting there for too long..i get pains like you,also in my lower back and shoulders.You go to your Drs and tell them everything..thats what there are there for.:hugs:
i have the same prob i can go 7 t0 10 days i dont take nothing for it my comes out balls ive tried somethings i dont no what else to do :D

macc noodle
08-01-11, 22:46
Re: poo and holding it in (or not ?!) then coming out as balls - drink loads of water and it will help guys!!!!!

Cell block H fan
11-01-11, 11:21
my thrush its no were near as bed now- and hardly ever present (but when i used to have stomach aches every day for 6 months i would get it bad) thing is i didnt have HA then and i wasnt worried so left it and now its back again.
I was stessed at the time though (school stuff, private stuff and my GCSE's)
Im hoping this is just rexlux/ibs i suffer with and not cancer lol. Ive been sitting tense all day so ive done my shoulder/back/chest muscles in again though :( they all ache now.
Also did u ever get noises from your stomach/chest?

Sorry to bump a couple of days old thread but just got back on here.
Well, I must have jinxed myself replying to you the other day because I have been off work the last couple of days with a bad belly! LOL
Last week I had colic type pains coming & going in the top abdomen under the ribs. Now I have the pain low in the tummy/groin & hips/lower back. Woke me in the night last night. And yes, noisy grumbly tummy! It's doing it now.
Just made it home from dropping the kids at school this morning to the loo! Gross lol belly was agony in the car.
I shouldn't laugh about it, but ive been here before & refuse to stress myself out.
I have what I can only describe as a feeling of someone poking me with a hot poker, in my left ovary. It's not unlike period pain. Not due to ovulate for a day or so, weird. But I am sure it's bowel related. And it radiates across the bottom. The weird thing is I dont feel it so much when I am up & walking about.
Hoping you're feeling better now?
Any tips for me now anyone? :D