View Full Version : my first day back at work :)

07-01-11, 17:09
had my first day back at work today and i was soo anxious convincing myself i would panic feeling sick when once i got there i was so welcomed back, im on a new department with new people and im having training and i actually enjoyed it. Everyone was so friendly. I really think im going to enjoy it and start to build my confidence back :) xxx

07-01-11, 17:47
Well done!! I am so pleased for you!

I was thinking about you today and hoping that it went ok.:D

eternally optimistic
07-01-11, 18:22
Excellent news, it doesnt ever need to be as bad as you might expect it to be.

Well done and continued enjoyment.

Best wishes.

07-01-11, 19:14
Well done h26, so pleased to hear you're feeling better.

Stay strong, you've worked so hard to get there xx

07-01-11, 20:12
Hey that is so good..it's even make me feel good :Dxxx

07-01-11, 20:35
I am really pleased for you. It cannot have been easy going back. Well done! :yesyes:

10-01-11, 16:07
Well done you!!! Onwards and upwards from here.....


10-01-11, 21:05
Great news - all the very bestx

13-01-11, 13:14
3 days back at work I've done now, I still feel anxious at times but I'm enjoying it :-) x

Vanilla Sky
13-01-11, 17:25
Your doing great h , :hugs:
Paige xx

13-01-11, 17:46
Well done h, it's great you're not only coping but enjoying it xx

13-01-11, 18:33
Hi H,

I’m so pleased to read that work is going well and you’re enjoying it. It’s understandable to still have a few anxious moments – the problem built up slowly over time so it’s bound to take a little time to get back to normal again. But making progress is a bit like rolling a snowball down a hill – what started as something small very quickly becomes much larger, and it becomes unstoppable... :yesyes:

Another thing to remember is that many of the physical feelings of anxiety – the butterflies in the stomach, feeling slightly on edge, etc – are actually the same feelings you get when you’re excited. I wonder... :unsure:

Take care :)