View Full Version : Any advice?

07-01-11, 17:16
Does anyone else have anyone in their life who gets mad and annoyed when they get panicky or feel down?
My boyfriend always tells me that it is my fault and that i must deserve to be having the panic attack, these are his own words im not being paranoid.
It gets to me because i really love him and at the times when i desperatley need a hug from him he just gets mad at me. Any advice would be extremely appreciated :) X

07-01-11, 19:20
hi all i can say is that my ex husband was like that towards me,i now think it was because he couldnt handle it and got angry instead.which didnt help me or him in the long run. It was if i embarrased him. my panics ended up getting worse and i got more nervy.it may help if could go along to gp with you and maybe read a few books on the subject to help him understand.Holly:)

07-01-11, 19:59

My situation is the same, only in reverse! My GF doesn't understand my panic situations and shows little sympathy! :weep:

07-01-11, 20:46
My Boyfriend is the same he really doesn't understand and can be really nasty especially if we have an argument over something he will bring my anxiety over my heart up and be really mean. X

07-01-11, 20:54
Personally i think that someone who isnt willing to learn and try and understand something ur going through and support you when u need it isnt worth it. I would imagine that his behaviour is only making you feel worse and maybey having a chat with him would help? explain how ur feeling and how he is hurting you. if nothing changes tell him to shape up or ship out! tough love does not work in these situations and he should learn that

i know its a hard thng to understand and deal with if uv never had it, but tolerance and understanding need to come from both sides for a relationship to work . hoe it all works out for u

08-01-11, 02:50
Thank you all for the messages x