View Full Version : Any medication suggestions

07-01-11, 17:34
Does anyone have any medication suggestions for panic attacks and general anxiety other then sertraline. I dont like the side effects of sertraline. My name is Vickie by the way.

07-01-11, 17:52
Personally I would go down the herbal route. Have you tired Bachs Rescue Remedy or something like Kalms or Quiet Life?

07-01-11, 18:08
No I've never heard of either. I live in the USA Chicago, Illinois so I'm not sure if they have it here unless I can order online.

07-01-11, 18:10
I know bachs rescue remedy is available worldwide - not sure about Kalms and Quiet Life though

07-01-11, 21:30
I was going to mention pregabalin (Lyrica) but don't think it's licensed in the US for GAD. The problem is that apart from ADs there aren't many meds available for GAD/panic. Buspirone may be an option as I hear that it isn't addictive like benzos.

Alternatively as Nic says try herbals like Rescue Remedy. It's always worth a try and it must be available in the US.

I have found sertraline useful and I'm still on it now but I understand it may not work for everyone.

07-01-11, 21:55
Thanks for your responses and suggestions.

07-01-11, 23:01
Faith, has your doctor evaluated your thryoid, and perhaps done some bloodwork? There may be an organic reason for the panic attacks and anxiety that could be corrected with relative ease. At the very least, you would know that there is no emerging physical health issue behind the distress.

In terms of medications, alprazolam (Xanax) has been the only anti-anxiety medication to do me any good. Unfortunately, the herbal remedies have not been successful, although my doctor did put me on a vitamin regimen to help strengthen my nerves.

08-01-11, 01:42
I had bloodwork done. They said everything was normal but I haven't had my thyroid checked. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see what they say. I'm also seeing. Therapist tomorrow. Can't wait 2 feel better mentally! Thanks 4 the advice.