View Full Version : petrified

07-01-11, 18:04
hi all again
my doc has recommended i stop using my 10mg cipralex and start taking exeffor xl 75mg i have got the tablets at home, but stupidly read all the side-effects and done research both on here and other sites and its totally scared me, doctor says i should be totally fine on them. i took the cipralex for seven years, and have had a severe relapse recently, whether the drugs have stopped working i dont know??? i remember panicking the same when i started the other drug !!! i really want to get better, but i dont want to get worse either, ive really been frightened off them !!

07-01-11, 19:12
Hi attwood, I'm sure your doctor wouldn't offer the new medication if he thought it would be bad for you. I think sometimes our bodies can get used to a medication and that's why maybe he changed them. Take care x