View Full Version : Scared of Sertraline.... Just anxiety speaking!!!

07-01-11, 19:12
Hello everyone,

Well i've had a strange year. Had major surgery in Nov 2010 and had ovaries removed. Went into 'surgical menopause' that triggered extreme depression and anxiety.

Saw a councellor today who sent me to GP who has started me on Sertraline 50mg. Shouldn't have looked at the side effects but did.. and now convinved myself I will get worse. Gotta take the tablet as been feeling all sorts of strangeness. Horrible anxiety in the mornings, low all the time and basically thinking if it just wouldn't be better to end it all.

Please tell me it improves in this med and I'm just being silly. Was taking fluoxetine with no probs (just sweating) a few years ago. Was told these tablets had less side effects.

Would love some encourgagement and hear some success stories prior to taking the meds tonight,

Thanks xx

07-01-11, 19:15
Hi flutterby23

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-01-11, 20:17
Hi flutterby

I too was scared of taking sertraline 50mg because I tried citalopram and it was dredful only lasted 3 days on it. For the first 3 weeks I had bad side effects loss of appetite, dizziness, increased anxiety, shaking and generally feeling unwell with support from my boyfriend and doctor i stuck it out and by week 4 the side effects were minimal. I have been on them now for 3 months and feel good, I have the occasional blip usually when its the time of the month but I just tell myself its just anxiety and my hormones in a few days I will be fine hard I know but when I think back to how I was before taking the meds I am ten times better. I am also due to start some self help therapy on how to deal with panic and anxiety. Who would think that anxiety could make you feel so ill all the time. I have convinced myself loads of time that Im going to have a heart attack, faint or even die but I havnt its just the anxiety playing tricks with your mind. Everyone is different some people do not have many side effects at all it depends how sensitive you are to the medication. All I can say is im glad i stuck it out it was hard but now I feel so much better. Keep me posted on how you get on.

Sammylou x

07-01-11, 23:06
Thanks SammyLou,

Have just taken first tablet. Got the inside wobblies as I like to call them so it kinda helped me rationalise why I have to try them. I was started on HRT a few weeks ago in the hope that it was my lack of hormones contributing. Not made a great deal of difference. The folks in the know think this was just a catalyst to the depression and anxiety. Either way, I know I need something to help with the symptoms till I get balance. Every day is a struggle and I have just had to take further time off work as I can't get out of the house most days.

Difficult to think positive... Thanks for your post. I've just explained to hubby the importance of speaking with folks who have been/going through the same as you. He is wonderful.... but admits himself he doesn't understand.

Here's to wooziness and increased anxiety.... I keep telling myself it's a small hurdle to resembling who I was a couple of months ago.:doh:

I'll keep you updated...


07-01-11, 23:28
Hi, I'm news to the site and so glad I've found it. I'm so pleased to find people who are taking the same meds as me and having the same anxiety or in my case feels more like terror at taking them. I was put onto Sertraline a few days ago but had some pretty awful side effects in the middle of the night. I spoke to my doc about them and she
said to come off them for a few days and restart at only half the dose (25mg). I'm terrified of going back on them especially as my husband is away at the moment and if i have a horrible episode again, I'll be on my own this time. I'm terrified of side effects that I can't control. Any suggestions to help me get back onto these drug.

08-01-11, 12:49
i too started sertaline three days ago, feel pretty spaced out during the day, but at night have woken with major panic attacks and extreme nausea (although not actually been sick). I'm on 50mg a day, feeling a bit shaky inside too. Heres hoping that the side effects die down soon !

08-01-11, 12:51
apparently these drugs take a week or two to start working, so I'm going to try to stick this out, I've heard too that anxiety symptons can get worse in the beginning !

08-01-11, 13:49
Hang on in there peeps, you MAY have some unpleasant side effects but you also MAY NOT.
Have a search on this site and you wiil find lots of peoples experiences with Sertraline, some took longer than others to feel the good effects.

Every Antidepressants affects everyone differently and reading labels and googling maybe not be entirely helpful. The drug companies well tell you the absolute worst case scenario to cover themselves. Half the time they contradict themselves!!

I am having a very good relationship with Sertaline the first 10 days were hard but by day 14 I felt totally different. But at week 4 I had a blip.
But this is just MY experience - your may be totally different.

It is perfectly normal to not feel many positive benefits for a good 8 weeks so don't expect too much too soon.

So keep up visits to your GP to disguss any side effects - if nothing else you will get support and reassurance.

Hope this helps folks, the long term benefits are worth the short term fearsxxx

08-01-11, 18:24
Well I took the tablet and slept ok but woke in a massive sweat and stomach cramps. Felt sick and then surprise surprise I had an absolutely awful panic attack. On edge all day. Terrified to take another. Just slept all day as couldn't face the feelings. I have been prescribed some diazepam but really want to stay clear, I know the symptoms get worse but I just can't face this. Can't believe 4 weeks ago I was fine....... Bloody hormones. Please help.. Need to know this is the way to feeling better.