View Full Version : Is it normal?

07-01-11, 20:55
To have occasional white stringy mucus, and small white particles in urine? It does not hurt to pee, and there is no smell, and it's a normal light yellow color. I have been going more recently, but that's only because I am stressing about it.

Oh, I also have IBS which has been flaring up, and I read somewhere that it can make urine have mucus in it too.

07-01-11, 20:56
yes it is normal ive noticed it mines always been like that x

07-01-11, 21:00
lol I only notice it when i pee in a cup to examine it when I am being obsessive. I have to stop doing that.

I finally restarted my Prozac, so hopefully it will get my thoughts under more control.