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07-01-11, 20:56
How many of you suffer from dizziness due to your anxiety and how bad is it?

07-01-11, 21:02
Not so much dizziness, more like depersonalization, like my mind and body are disconnected.

07-01-11, 21:49
Bad dizziness at present but apparently that's viral labyrinthitis; feel somewhat reassured in that my mum has now developed exactly the same symptoms - feel like I am sitting on a boat and its horrible!

07-01-11, 22:15
I get dizziness as part of anxiety, feels like I have been dizzy for 4 years since my anxiety got really bad. Never have a clear head ever:weep: but some days are better than others but last August spent nearly 3 weeks in bed because of it.

I have also had labrynthitis and know exactlly what you mean daisycake about being on a boat!! Since I had labrynthitis I now also get positional vertigo sometimes too!!

All sounds very depressing - sorry!

07-01-11, 22:16
Bad dizziness at present but apparently that's viral labyrinthitis; feel somewhat reassured in that my mum has now developed exactly the same symptoms - feel like I am sitting on a boat and its horrible!

I've never heard of Labyrinthitis before, but the reason I asked is that I'm getting slight dizziness but don't think my anxiety is anything like it has in the past. I've felt 100% for 12months, but I got a chest infection that I was given antibiotics for, then I felt slightly off balance and have been questioning if it was anxiety as its like the same feeling I had when had anxiety. After looking up what labyrinthitis is, its stated it often follows an an upper respiratory tract infection. I thought the antibiotics were giving me increased anxiety as it can be a side effect of them, but the only 'anxiety' symptom i have is off balance [odd] I don't have any fever, hearing loss or nausea tho. Is more slight of balance n cloudy head, but not all the time.

07-01-11, 22:20
I have felt dizzy at times but only when my HA was much worse, like when I've had panic attacks and the dizziness is accompanied by impersonalization.

07-01-11, 22:20
oh my god ! cant believe reading about the dizzines. i feel dizzy all the time. last Nov spent weeks in bed with it apparently Labrynthitus. Surely we cant all have ear infections ?

07-01-11, 22:22
are we not allowed to ask what area people are from . Would like to know if anyone is local?

08-01-11, 18:56
Been dizzy for 25 years. It is always there every day
Have sometimes had real bad times with it for a few weeks where can not really walk with it.
It is because of being dizzy I dare not go out on my own
I am from Cambridge

08-01-11, 19:00
dizzy lots...thats what gets me down !

08-01-11, 19:21
In the height of my panic and anxiety, I was constantly dizzy. Although at the time my doctor told me it was 'probably' an ear problem (can't remember the name exactly but he said something about fluid in my eardrum) I know anxiety was the cause because when my anxiety satrted to ease my dizziness did too. Why do doctors always blame ear infections and not see it as an anxiety symptom? Weird, as we all can't have/had ear problems. :huh:

13-01-11, 11:22
Found this:
The symptoms of anxiety are usually sponsored by an increase in production of certain hormones. Hormones are powerful chemical meesengers that are released directly into the blood from the endocrine glands. Prolonged worry or stress has a tendency to deplete the endocrine system of nutrients that are supposed to keep the glands healthy and functioning correctly.

Many will think that a symptom of anxiety such as dizziness, or a feeling of being off-balance, is an indicator of some kind of serious physical disease or illness when, quite possibly, it could be just a symptom of anxiety/stress caused by the over-production of certain hormones.