View Full Version : Really need help tonight....

07-01-11, 22:07
Just before I went for a doctors appointment this morning (for an unrelated issue) I looked at my tongue as it had been feeling a bit numb. I was horrified to see a bulge on one side that I am absolutely certain was not there the last time I looked. I did ask the doctor about it and he said to go back in a few weeks if it hadnt gone down. I have of course made the mistake of consulting Dr Google and as someone with helath anxiety issues I am now convinced I have oral cancer and will now go into panic mode. Which is not going to help at all as the reason I was going to the doctors in the first place was because I am suffering from increased anxiety symptoms already. I have posted a few times on here asking for some reassurance and not had much response but I reall really need someone to help today please.

07-01-11, 22:12
just read your story . trust me i read up about things all the time and believe i have every thing. its sooooo common even though a bloody nightmare. i am quite sure that it is nothing if they thought it was bad they wouldnt leave it for 2 weeks!

07-01-11, 22:12
Hello hun. I'm sure if your doctor thought you had any sort of cancer he/she wouldn't tell you to go home and come back in a few weeks. I had some problems with my tongue and kept telling my doctor she did bloods and it came back that I was low in folic acid which my doc suspected because that causes tongue problems. Its nothing serious you just need to take iron tablets to get your levels back up and eat plenty of green veg. I'm sure you fine your doctor wouldn't send you home if he thought for a second there was something seriously wrong with you. X

07-01-11, 22:29
Thank you both for quick replies! It really does help to have people who understand anxiety reassure you:hugs: I'm telling myself if I still feel worried about it next week I can always go back to the doctor or maybe see the dentist.

07-01-11, 22:33
If you are worried you can go back at anytime but I'm sure its nothing serious with anxiety we check in with are bodies and notice anything that's different or somethings that have been there all along but we just haven't noticed before. Anxiety does crazy things to us but what I've come to realise is we have to trust are doctors they no what they are looking for and they wouldn't just send us home if they were worried x