View Full Version : advice please!

07-01-11, 23:49
Hey everyone!

So I've been having a crappy few months I seem to be constantly ill, this time its chest infections I had one treated with 2 lots of antibiotics mid december then I went back just before new year with similar symptoms an the nurse said although my chest wasn't clear she didn't think I needed antibiotics!
Well this past 48 hours I've been really poorly hot an cold sweats, headache, breathless, sneezing, fever an horrible stabbing chest pain with cough an coughing up phlem! I'm thinking of calling the out of hours dr in the morning! Do you think I'm over reacting? I don't like visiting the dr too often?


Claire xx

07-01-11, 23:50
There is loads of it around - everyone has it - and it is lasting weeks!

08-01-11, 00:00
Thanks nicola, its awful I was one of the unlucky ones last winter who had confirmed swine flu an I don't remeber being so ill!! Saying that tho its that time of the month an everything no matter how bad feels worse lol!!


08-01-11, 00:04
At least you haven't got the dreaded "man flu" Claira :scared15:

Everyone seems to have it at the moment and I hope you get over it soon. Time of the month too ... Lordy, that's nearly as bad as the man flu :shades:

08-01-11, 00:10
awww it is that time where all these flu's and colds are spreading you should take a vitemen c every day and veitemen b6

08-01-11, 00:16
Alex (my partner) has man flu - not the real flu lol

08-01-11, 00:21
Mine has the man flu also (read: slight head cold). He's in bed all day, guzzling lemsip and complaining that he thinks he's dying. Bless.

08-01-11, 00:32
Im now in my 4th week of having this Virus I cant remember feeling so ill for so long :lac:.Unless you have green Phlegm In which case you have a bacterial infection and need antibiotics .Theres not much the Dr can do .Take painkillers and drink plenty of liquids .Olbas oil will help break up the phlegm .Get plenty of rest .Your body will fight it off better if you do . And eat small ammounts often Try to keep away from other people its very contagious .I hope you feel better soon .luv Sue x

08-01-11, 00:46
The man flu comments did make me giggle! I'm just fed up of being ill but funnily enough my anxiety is really low I'm more bothered about having to go to the drs lol!!
I'm coughing up greeny brown phlem! I'll probably rest over the weekend an if I'm no better by monday ring my own dr!!


08-01-11, 00:54
Don't go to the docs unless it goes on for over 2 weeks. They are so busy at this time with flu stuff so unless you are convinced it is something else they cannot help you

08-01-11, 01:20
I realise that drs are swamped this time of year but as I said I'm prone to chest infections and if it is that an I leave it 2 weeks I'm likely to make myself worse and after developing pneumonia after swine flu last year I guess I'm not taking any chances! I also had the flu jab mid november!

08-01-11, 13:13
Well after a really awful night I was taken up to the out of hours doctors this morning and found out not only do I have a chest infection but I also have pleurisy no wonder I've been so poorly! Xx

08-01-11, 14:56
Awww sorry to hear this and I hope they have given you some antibiotics to help you get over it.

Keep in the warm and drink plenty of fluids.

Hope you feel better soon Claira

08-01-11, 15:20
Thanks nicola! Yeah got some antibiotics. I'm now on the sofa with my hot water bottle playing snakes and ladders with my boys. Luckily I don't have to go out again till monday and hopefully I should be a little better by then!
