View Full Version : mass animal death/end of the world thing

08-01-11, 02:18
Anyone else come across this on the news? Basically all over the world random birds/fish have died in mass quantities - and according to a quick google search; this is due to the LHC thing and the 2012 thing - or even religious stuff. Having had a Catholic upbringing the religious stuff absolutely terrifies me (to the point I get quite obsessive over it) so the thought of the world ending - and with all this weird stuff happening - has left me scared witless and totally unable to sleep or think about anything else. I realise I'm probably hopefully God willing being irrational but please if someone can make me see sense? Thankfully its Friday which means Im not required to be up early tommorow but how am I ever going to calm down enough to nod off? :(

08-01-11, 05:42
The end of the world has been predicted since the beginning of mankind. As for anyone predicting it.. read about cults that have gone to caves or committed suicide thinking they were going home in ufo's or the savior was going to pick them up or just was shammed into living in groups in a commune and then killing themselves.. Yes the world surely will end one day.. no one knows what day.. it can't be predicted but its been here a long long time without ending ..over 4 billion years.. yes species has come and gone and mans time is limited on this earth but as far as worrying about animal die offs etc.. natural events that would happen whether it was our year 2011 or 3000 it doesn't matter.. the earth and events will or will not happen whether man is here or not. so really just a waste of your time fretting over it. .just as worrying about dying is just about as irrational..its going to happen.. one day.. we all hope its not soon,but what can you do? Hope you feel better soon.. take care. Michael

08-01-11, 21:55
I saw this and felt my old friend panic rearing his ugly head! It does all seem very odd but I'm trying not to get swept up in the conspiricy theories as I often get myself very worked up about it.

I have also worried about LHC, the day it was switched on I was in a total panic all day and couldn't eat or sleep. Swine flu worries took over my life last year and I hardly lived as I was so worried about dying. 2012 is my current worry....I know that rationally it's not likely that the mayans could predict the end but all the hype has fed my fears and it really doesn't take much. I kind of worry with these things that even if they're not true that someone may do something to try and scare people into believing that it is the end.

Also, it concerns me massively that there seems to be extreme things happening all over the place.....two earthquakes in England, biblical flooding in Aus, coldest Dec on record, worst widespread snow in Nov, freak weather in USA...........Logically I tell myself that the power of technology just means we are aware of it all at the touch of a button so it all seems to be linked because we hear about it instantly where in pre-tech days you wouldn't really know what was happening in the rest of the world but my panic makes me dwell on it all far too much.

Anyway, I didn't mean to feed your anxiety but was hoping that my nueroticness (!) might reassure you that you are not alone in these fears.

I am going to TRY to think positively and spend my time living as I waste my precious living time worrying about death which seems crazy.

Hopefully these stories will pass and mean nothing significant.
T x x

08-01-11, 22:08
i was exactly like you. i was terrified of the animal deaths and i thought the world was ending. but the reason why i think all the birds and fishes are probably dying is because maybe there is some kind of disease that is killing them.this kinda stuff happens all the time. i think people are just making a big fuss about it because its 2011 and next year is 2012 but im pretty sure thats not why they are dying. and yeah this is probably just like the 1999 thing. i dont really know much about that i was too little to remember but im sure any little thing that happened people thought it was because the world was ending..i hope that helped a little :)

blue moon
08-01-11, 22:14
GLOBAL WARMING.......:mad:

08-01-11, 22:16
Don't worry. The word " mass " is misleading given the number of deaths. It's an entire different story, I would think it's because of chemtrail, I'm betting the media is using this as a pretext for a coming propaganda.

macc noodle
08-01-11, 22:38
Nothing more than weather changes etc - no worries!

08-01-11, 23:05
It is NOT weather change. Climate change wouldn't cause the birds to die mid flight. they would be dropping slowly, not all at once.

08-01-11, 23:22
If the world is going 2 end, I want 2 enjoy my time here before it does!!!!! Which makes me even more determined 2 get rid of this damned anxiety!!!!

08-01-11, 23:39
If the world is going 2 end, I want 2 enjoy my time here before it does!!!!! Which makes me even more determined 2 get rid of this damned anxiety!!!!

well said :)

09-01-11, 01:49
That's why I never watch the film '2012' as I know it will freak me out completely. I remember the Millennium Bug too, I was freaked out too that time but it passed. I heard about the animal deaths too and am hoping it won't happen more now. Scientists say that the birds fall to death because of New Year fireworks or thunderstorms. But I am not sure about that, maybe it all is linked? There was one or two bird deaths last year too. I wonder why it happened again this year. Maybe warnings about next year!!!

But let's focus on positive things - 2012 is going to be our year - we're hosting the Olympics, I'm excited about that and am thinking about that a lot to keep my mind off bad things.

Good luck Daisycake - focus on good things.

Starry xx

09-01-11, 03:18
This is actually normal from what I've heard. Mass die off's happen daily it's just that we usually we don't hear about it. Because of the one is Arkansas which was large (But not the largest reported), smaller ones (That are normal occurrences) were being reported as well, prob because people were trying to link them. From what I heard, none of these were related. Remember the media has to draw viewers and reading and have to do what they can to draw that attention..

For the mass die off in Arkansas, there was bad storms (Tornado's) in the area so who knows if that had anything to do with it. Then I heard about them in Texas where I live, but people failed to report that is was in an underpass where one see's dead pigeons all the time.

There are billions of birds in the world, 5,000 is a mere speck. We have flocks of birds bigger then that around here and none of them have died..

09-01-11, 03:28
That's why I never watch the film '2012' as I know it will freak me out completely. I remember the Millennium Bug too, I was freaked out too that time but it passed. I heard about the animal deaths too and am hoping it won't happen more now. Scientists say that the birds fall to death because of New Year fireworks or thunderstorms. But I am not sure about that, maybe it all is linked? There was one or two bird deaths last year too. I wonder why it happened again this year. Maybe warnings about next year!!!

But let's focus on positive things - 2012 is going to be our year - we're hosting the Olympics, I'm excited about that and am thinking about that a lot to keep my mind off bad things.

Good luck Daisycake - focus on good things.

Starry xx

2012 was not a bad movie. It was a good action film. I'm a nervous person and it did not effect me at all.

Most people who are pushing 2012 are trying to push their products. Things to help you survive the apocalypse, just sucking money out of scared people.

I'm into the paranormal, you know Ghosts and UFO's and such, but some of this new age 2012 stuff is just to far out for me :)

I can't remember if we can post links here, but if you guys are scared about 2012 there is a web site out there that is out to debunk it. It's 2010 Hoax or something like that. Google it and see if you can find it. They might be able to calm their Anxieties.

09-01-11, 11:06
Agree that a lot of this is propaganda and the press picking on something that widely happens anyway. As part of my recent degree I studied evolution at depth and what has happened is easily explainable although not in the constraints of a forum page. In short most animals (us included) live in very tight constraints with regards to habitat, be it food supplies, temperature, oxygen requirements etc etc. Slight deviation from these causes death. Most can be explained by animals not being able to escape from their habitat confines when an anomaly occurs.

09-01-11, 21:42
Im glad someone else posted their anxieties about these mass animal deaths, 2012 etc... its really been worrying me over the past week, Ive felt like I was going mad the only person worried about it! I feel a bit less anxious after reading everyones replies.

These days the news, tv and online just seems to be full of depressing stories, I mean even the soaps for god's sake, everything's so miserable! or is that just me? It probably is just me and my anxiety, I tend to see the negatives and catastrophise things. Im going to try the advice given by someone on this thread, focus more on having fun and appreciating the here and now, maybe you can try to follow it too?....... as for the future, who knows!

10-01-11, 00:26
If it Happens it will save me from myself. Happy days!!!


10-01-11, 00:50
I know 2012 is a good movie, I heard many good things about it but it will make me nervous thinking about what might happen next year - if it's true about the Mayans, they predicted the world would end in 2012, even the date is set:- 21st December 2012. 4 days before Christmas. I don't think it will happen but these depressing news doesn't help much to make people panic.

Starry xx

10-01-11, 03:26
Try not to worry about it ( I know hard to do). Some feel that the Mayan calendar just starts over, that it isn't the end in 2012. Don't forget all the hype about the year 2000, with the computers all failing and things like that, and nothing happened. I watch on the history channel/national geo about the mayan calendar, but I kind of find it fascinating, wondering how they did all the calendar stuff way back when.
Also, I live in the United States, and the explanation for the birds/fish dying seem to be logical.
So please, try not to worry about this.

10-01-11, 09:39
The mass deaths are actually pretty normal. The press have jumped on this one a bit, and suddenly you're hearing about things that you never would have heard about otherwise.

10-01-11, 11:58
I hadn't heard about this but wow - that's got to be most overblown thing I've ever heard! Don't listen to the media if they're being hyperbolic. I agree this sounds completely normal. Crazy things happen in nature, frogs fall from the sky! :D (and there's several perfectly rational reasons for that as well!)

Also, did they actually blame LHC in the news articles? Was that a suggestion by the media or are you just quite worried about LHC in general? I understand, what with all the theories before it was switched on, why you could have got anxious, but I really am confused if it is the media saying this as it doesn't seem fathomable that LHC could have any effect!

By the way, are you still Catholic? If you get quite worried about the religious theories when it comes to this kind of thing perhaps you could talk to your priest? If you explained you suffer from anxiety and theories like that worry you perhaps he/she could tell you theirr interpretation. They're there to help :D

10-01-11, 14:10
I worry about this stuff too, not so much for myself as I'd almost welcome an end to this eternal anxiety, but because of my kids. I caught a glimpse of this story on the front page of a newspaper at the petrol station on saturday and that was enough to ruin the rest of the weekend for me. There was a time when I thought I could get over this anxiety given time, but now one thing follows another so quickly there's just no respite and it's like a constant grey cloud hanging over me. Still, there's nothing to be done but grin and bear it. I used to read a magazine called Fortean Times which listed this sort of thing happening for years. I also tell myself that with lightning-fast communications we're bound to hear about stuff which would never have made the news before. Add this to the whole 2012 business and maybe it's no surprise that the media are stirring things up. Does any of this help? Maybe, for a while. I just look forward to getting home and falling asleep on the sofa, the only time when worries truly depart for a while.

Just for general info, people worried about 2012 could have a look at 2012hoax.org. It's a website run by scientifically qualified people whom we would hope know what they're talking about. It's quite reassuring, at least until the next trigger comes along...:weep:

10-01-11, 20:29
My anxiety was trigger by stuff like like, but after tons of research, and common sense, These types of thoughts don't plague me.

The LHC is very safe, and secure. Actually, You know the collision that everyone was worried about? They've already done it, and nothing happened, except progress towards finding out more about our universe.

2012 shouldn't be considered, it's a waste of space. 2012, is just like many of the other big End of the World crap. Or in short "Aliens" One you realise that all the stuff that has been predicted for 2012, is unplasible and makes no sense, you'll stop worrying about it.

The Mayans...Predicted nothing, Guy who told us, was off his mind, involves Aliens.
That Planet Niburu or whatever it is...Could be seen a mile off, if real, Involves Aliens.
Marvin The Martian's Home "Planet X"...Was already predicted for 2003, which didn't happen, Involves Aliens.

That's 2012 in a nutshell "Aliens"

Don't worry about it, the chances that the world will end in your lifetime are absolutly ZERO. So just relax, and enjoy the wonders of the universe.