View Full Version : Really scared.

08-01-11, 02:40
Hey guys. I had a weird feeling just now and it really freaked me out.

So I was on my way to my grammas house and I decided to take the bus. The bus stop is only a few blocks away. I was actually half a block away when I realized how my breathing was really irregular. I felt as If I was getting no air in...kinda like a pillow over my nose and my chest was really sore.

I clutched my chest and there my heart was pounding really hard. This made me panic and instead decided to take a cab. Now I'm here and my chest is all tight and my breathing is still weird but my heart rate is now normal. WHat is this? Heart Failure. Angina? Gosh Im really terrified.

I woke up this morning with a cough and cold and my chest was very tight. But I assumed the tightness was due to tension as my chest muscles were cracking everytime I stretched my arms. But now I'm all confused again and I don't know what to think.

I kept on checking myself to see if I was turning blue which I wasn't but how could a few blocks get me all winded when last week I walked almost 30 blocks from my grammas house to my house(my heart was racing but my breathing wasn't forced or irregular).

08-01-11, 02:56
These symptoms are not due to actual oxygen deprivation at all, but rather a consequence of mild blood-gas imbalance as a result of shallow breathing. Excess CO2 produces mild lightheadedness and a prodrome which can lead to panic threshold events commonly observed in persons with significant anxiety.

Mild tachycardia, or rapid heart rate, is also a common symptom found to exist in persons suffering anxiety or panic threshold event. Tightness of the chest in this instance would also be anxiety-related.

You'll be fine and the sensations are incapable of producing any type of cardiac event or place you at risk of any kind.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

08-01-11, 03:11
Thank You for respnding RLR. I've wanted to to talk to u in so long at your website but unfortunately I couldn't register.

Ive been having so many symptoms and its been driving me nuts that I don't know what to do or believe.

I've had over 5 ecgs,chest xrays, and echocardiogram, and countless bloodwork and I'm still obsessed with my heart. Just standing up gets my heart pounding or racing.