View Full Version : Question about MS

08-01-11, 09:58
Hi all, i am a long term worrier of MS :( my main symptoms are a spasm in my right shoulder that happens once a day and runs to my under arm. Its completely terrifying but painless. Feels like i have been twang be elastic really hard. Second is a burning tongue. My burning tongue has been happening for nearly 2 years & the twitches is 2 years in May.

If i had MS would that 'big thing' happened by now to make me realise that maybe i should go to the doctor? Would i know by now?

the doc doesnt think its anything but how can it be nothing!? its been nearly 2 years!! is that a good or a bad thing?

I really am terrified today :( x

08-01-11, 10:53

Do not worry its related to your Anxiety level, it seems you read much on Dr. Google
what to do is the following:

you should know that you are not a doctor and you should believe that any Doctor can know if your case is something Neru or Anxiety

so if you visited a doctor and told you that you do not have MS .. it means you Do not have MS
if you did not have visit to Dr Just take appointment and meet him
tell him what you feel and try to be honest (do not tell more what physically you have)
then after that (i am 100% sure you have nothing) go back Home and set with yourself and tell yourself that you are worry and that is why you have such symptoms
then plan to change how you think... stop reading about your feelings JUST IGNORE THEM (totally) and try to relax

Have fun and smile from me...

08-01-11, 15:03
I think after 2 years Tash you would have more serious issues now so I do not think it is MS at all.

You have, however, spent 2 years worying about it and that is a shame

08-01-11, 16:15
thank you both :( i am suffering from postnatal depression which isnt helping the worry believe it or not i had a fab 6 months not a worry( although the symptoms were still happening) & then 4 weeks after my daughter was born the pnd came as did my old anxiety x

08-01-11, 16:16
i have been worried about this to as i get weird painful back spasms every so often and i often get dead legs (been getting this for a year)

09-01-11, 21:41
Dead legs is one of the (several) symptoms I had that made my GP suspect MS. I just had the all clear from an MRI, so just because you have it doesn't mean it's MS.