View Full Version : sertaline

08-01-11, 12:55
On day three of sertaline, 50mg, been feeling really spaced out in the day and really anxious during the night major panic attacks, finding it hard to sleep. Anyone else relate to this ?? Do you think the symptons will ease ?? Thanks.

08-01-11, 13:03
I was exactly the same when I started taking it, I would wake in the night having panic attacks. It does ease, but with me it did take 6/7weeks before I got any benifit, but hopefully alot sooner in others. The good thing is I managed to co beat it and come off them with no problems and was then anxiety free for 12months.

08-01-11, 13:09
Thanks for the reply panic33. I'ts really good to know that you came off them with no probs, I was on seroxat for 10 years from age 24-34 (now 38) and found it very hard to get off of ! Did you have any nausea with sertaline ?

08-01-11, 13:11
I did have nausea and I was really tired half way through each day, It took me roughly 6 weeks get over the side effects then my GP up'd my dose from 50 to 100, I got side effects again but milder. Coming of the tabs I got no issues at all, my gp told me to slowly reduce but I more or less came of them cold turkey with issue.