View Full Version : weird episode; very scary.

08-01-11, 13:50
Was walking up the stairs just now when my heart suddenly started pounding at about 200 ... I felt very lightheaded and woozy. No sore chest but I was also very out of breath and fel very/tired and heavy... Felt very different and much more severe to anthing I've ever felt before; I'm now terrified. Seeing GP Mon afternoon to discuss everything; see if she will refer me to see a cardiologist or do more tests but I'm really worried - this to me highlights that my dizziness/palps are being triggered by exercise and occur at the same time... I should add that as soon as I relaxed, everything went back to fairly normal? What is making me really panic is that you have all had lots of tests - I've had 3 ecgs (one of which was very abnormal but they said it was false as the next two were fine) and then a 4th at hospital which they said again was normal. Had one during an anaesthetic but it was normal too I presume. I'm so so worried I might have Long QT syndrome or something. Is it necessary to phone out of hours do you think? I can't get to A&E as my mum doesnt drive - and we live ten miles away from any kind of built up area (live in a very rural village and rely solely on buses/Gran's car when she's not been drinking)

Spoken to my mum (she's only just come back from shops) and she said mention it to GP but she is convinced it is anxiety...

08-01-11, 14:09
As you have returned to what for you is normal then there would be no point in going to a&e as there would be nothing for them to find. I know a friends son had long QT and it was picked up on his first ever ecg at the Dr's ( he had kept blacking out - not feeling dizzy or anything just fine one moment on the floor the next). The rest of his family had to be tested and his father was found to have it again he had never had an ecg before so it seems as if long QT is identified very easily on ecg.

When you were using the stairs had you been rushing before as being unfit will make your heart race and feel lightheaded if you then rush around especially stairs.

I think I have said before to ask your GP for a 24 hr ecg so they can capture everything your heart is doing ove a full day - not because I think they will find anything but just for your peace of mind - if Gp says you don't need it say its for your mental health and plead with her.

I was recently told by cardiologist that short attacks of wonky heartbeat is nearly always harmless unless you actually black out on the floor.

08-01-11, 15:51
I had this going up stairs once or twice. Not palps, just a crazy, very fats and hard heart rate. Had to sit on the stairs for a minute. I have had all the tests and it was just part of the whole palps and nervous system problem

08-01-11, 21:56
Ok thanks you've both reassured me a lot - last time I had an ecg I was veeery dizzy in the morning before it was taken and was experiencing dizziness as they did it - not as bad as the dizziness is now but my mum has the same symptos and a GP, based on my account of the dizziness, told me it's viral labyrinthitis. So maybe I am OK. The next one was taken while I had chest pain (costochondritis/heartburn) so they said all good. Will try and see if I can get a 24 hr tape/echo .. My mums friend is the Gp's receptionist and she was up at our's earlier - she turned around to my mum and said they are extraordinarly careful at the surgery and make sure they do all the necessary tests etc... Yeah I'm VERY unfit haha! Quite overweight too - I'm a size 18 :blush: need to lose it but I'm afraid of exercising and food makes me happy. Struggling to cope with flashbacks at the moment too so will be good to talk to GP. Thanks again :hugs::hugs:xx