View Full Version : Arguing with CBT therapist...

08-01-11, 14:14
No not in the way you think. Coming to the end of my allowed sessions from the NHS:weep: and one of the things that we worked on was how to deflect criticism in a argument. Had some mock arguments which was:blush: felt such a numpty. Basically its believed many of my problems stem from low self esteem and I am not only critical of myself but have managed to surround myself with critical people. He was trying to teach me yesterday about how to argue in a positive way- by creating a shield but I have forgotten the actual term he used for this. Does it seem familiar to anyone?
Positive Defense or something similar- I intend to look it up to help myself as CBT is all about self help but now feel a dur brain for forgetting it again:shrug:- I had to ask him at least twice in the session and forgot thought I had written it down.