View Full Version : The usual stuff !

08-01-11, 14:37
Hello, I am new to this forum but have found great solice and reassurance in reading many of the threads. I can relate to many of the symptoms that the folks here are describing. But as usual I too need a little reassurance. I am somewhat of a worrier and tend to let thoughts get out of proportion. as a result I have over the last two years or so been dogged by anxiety symptoms/tendencies. I suppose that always in the back of my mind is the thought of dementia ( my grandfather died of Altzheimers). As a result of this anxiety I find that I have some minor short memory problems , speech problems (word finding and sometimes slurred a little) some clumsiness ,some visual disturbances like pinpricks of light , cognitive issues like something being larger than I remember or being in a different place. It seems like my mind is playing tricks with me at times and this causes me even more concern and makes me very irritable , Sometimes at the end of the day I am exhausted from all this 'overthinking ' and silliness. At times I really have to hang on tight as I think I am going to lose control ,then as I start to relax I see the reallity of it all and I am 'almost' back to normal. The worst thing is ,how easy it is to trigger this all off again, I only have to speak to someone and 'fluff' a word or lose the thread of what I am saying and my mind clicks straight back into the tense anxiety mode, ' oh no ,I have some sort of dementia' and it justs fires up again.. I do not know how to rid myself of this ,maybe I never will,I just want to be normal again but I am not sure how to attain
that . Can anyone relate to this ? Some reassuring words would be good . Ferg.

08-01-11, 14:42
I can totally relate. I can't find words all the time and have times when things are bigger or smaller than I remember. The slightest thing will set me off and I am screwed for days sometimes until I come back down.

Welcome to the board. We wish nobody had to use it but there are great people here who will listen. Good luck