View Full Version : Anxious with symptoms of hypomania

08-01-11, 19:04
As you might be able to imagine I'm currently quite jittery to put it simply. I've been in one of these high moods for around a week now, don't get me wrong, I do love it although I am worried I'm getting worse although that could and most probably is due to the setraline I've been taking. Yesterday especially I was very dellusional, almost hallucinating. I've been spending money I don't have without a care, intentionally using my credit card knowing I can't pay it off as it is, dying my hair to make myself completely different and I just have a generally excited feeling. It feels as if I've got loads of adrenaline going, ready to jump up and just go.

Today, I found some scabs on my cats neck, he's been scratching alot, it doesn't look serious and he's still fine but because he's got FIV (cat HIV) I'm panicking.

Together I'm a mixture of :roflmao:and :scared15:
I have the docs on Monday, I'm going to ask for a referal to a specilist of some sort and maybe ask for something other than an antidepressant. I've also been reading a book on my ipad about bipolar, it's like reading about my life, I'm going to be taking it with me so I can remember bits to show him and go 'that's me, that's what I do'

08-01-11, 19:44
Lizzie I'm not sure what to say. Is there someone/people that you can be around at least until Monday when you see the docs? I have read some of you other posts and it would seem likely that you have some symptoms of bi-polar. This is only going from what you have said and I'm not a doctor. I would suggest that you try to stay focused and if things get too much ring the Samaritans or Saneline. Check in here from time to time. EJ.

09-01-11, 16:45
Yeah I've been told it's some form of bipolar, I'm not that bad today actually looking forward to the docs tomorrow though so I can tell someone how I've been the past month or so.

09-01-11, 18:20
Thats a good idea Lizzie .You sound like you need some mood stabilisers .These will balance out the mood swings .The antidepressants will keep you out of depression mode .Once these have stabilised it will be easier to monitor what dose of mood stabiliser you need .Its possible to lead a pretty normal life with Bipolar once the medication is sorted out .Have you recieved any type of Therapy yet ? Good luck at the Drs ..Luv Sue x

09-01-11, 18:58
Not yet, I'm going to ask tomorrow to be refered to a specilist or someone like that to try and get or get on the road to getting a proper diagnosis and maybe just someone to talk to about things, I find it alot easier to talk to a stranger, they can come up with more logical answers than what I can.