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View Full Version : Mirtazapine for occasional use?

08-01-11, 19:24
I was prescribed Mirtazapine by my Doctor for depression. Long story short (as I have made quite a few posts on Mirt already) I am no longer taking them as I experienced rapid weight gain and, more importantly there wasn't any improvement in my mood. Quite the reverse in fact, they actually made my mood worse, not better.

They did however make me sleep ever so well and here is where my query lies. As I have some tablets left in the box, I wondered if there was any harm to take one tablet on occasion -say once a week/fortnightly to aid my sleep when I needed it?

I am not taking any other medications at present, with my doctors advice, as it appears my depression isn't responding that well to them.

Ten years ago, when I was first prescribed anti depressants (Prozac) it was like someone turning a light on in my life! It made a huge difference in my life. I think after being on AD's for so long my brain isn't responding anymore.

Strange though, as I feel liberated now that I'm not taking tablets anymore but they served me well at one point.

09-01-11, 15:27
Hi Mizfiesta,

I am no medical expert but I wouldn't think that is was a good idea to take mirtazipine occasionally. AD's are the type of med that you should take over a period of time to gain benefit. I dont think it would be good to take on the odd occasion. Your body wouldn't know what was happening to it. If you need something to help you sleep short term you may want to take a mild sedative tablet or even herbal ones (nytol) that you can buy over the counter.

Hope this helps.


09-01-11, 15:36
Dear Mitzfiesta. I understand a little your battle with anti depressants. I might be wrong but I believe that in order to feel the benefits of mirtazapine then they should be taken continuously over a period of time. Using them as a sleeping tablet occasionally is probably not advisable. The effect might be greater or nothing at all. It might be be better for you to talk to your GP about your sleep problems? I have taken many different anti ds over the years and have not noticed them not working. Duloxetine and seroxat in particular had bad side effects for me. I was also on dothiepin for fourteen years. I know someone who takes the odd amitrityline to help her sleep but it really isn't advisable. EJ.

09-01-11, 15:51
Jo and EJ thanks for your replies. I agree with you both, it's probably not a good idea to use them.

Does nytol really work?

03-02-11, 06:34
I find mirtazapine works really well as an occasional sleep aid. Some of my friends have also used it on occasion and found it helped them sleep also.