View Full Version : New one here! But not new to panic :(

08-01-11, 19:24
Hello, my name is Hannah and I've been ill since 1st January 2002. We had friends over for new years and I remember feeling awful when they left, very ill. I went to bed and I didn't leave it for a month, I felt ill and sick. Once returning to school I came home that same day due to a panic attack of leaving the house. Doctors dismissed me as making everything up until I was 16 and went private. I was diagnosed with IBS. The IBS itself is now under control but the panic has never left. I thought I would never get better , be able to work, go to uni etc and left 6th form. Well,I went back and I managed to go to uni but after being put on venaflaxine (evil thing!!!) I just went back to being terribly ill and wouldn't leave my flat. I managed to stay at uni another year but never went and eventually left. I am now 21 and trying to train to be a vet nurse doing a BTEC atm. The only time I never feel panic is when I'm with my own animals or working at the farm I do work experience. The previous year I worked and I was fine, but in the past month or so the panic has roared its head and is ruling every moment just worrying when I'll next get ill. Nausea is a MASSIVE part of my panic attacks but I am emetophobic so if I retch or feel I'm going to it just leaves me hopeless. I can't even remeber why I managed it before!
I am now on citalopram and propanalol and stugeron when the nausea is particularly terrible (though i'm never sick) and starting counselling and meditation, hopefully soon this will pass.

So that's me!

08-01-11, 19:26
Hi Rocola

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
08-01-11, 22:46
Hi Hannah, welcome to a great supportive forum, youll get loads help and advice here and make some friends along the way x:welcome:

08-01-11, 23:09
:hugs::welcome: Welcome, you'll definitely find this place helpful.