View Full Version : Nair Hair Removal Reaction - Really frightened!

08-01-11, 19:25
Hi guys,

I've just used Nair Hair Removal cream for my face on my upper lip & chin, now the skin is burning & red & really sore. I've washed it in cold water, put vaseline & savalon on it but it's still sore. I'm so worried that it's going to get worse.
I've never had any reaction to it before. :( What should I do? I'm really upset!

Also, I was wondering, can you be more sensitive to allergic reactions & other stuff in the week before your period? I've heard your hormones can effect stuff like that...

Any help would be really appreciated...

08-01-11, 19:34
The facial hair area is much more sensitive. You really only need to leave it on for about 2-3 minutes. Even that is too long sometimes.

I know I have used hair removal cream before on my face and it really came out sore.

It will calm down in time. Mine was sore for quite a while though and all red!

08-01-11, 19:41
Hi there .... I work for the company that produces Veet ( a similar product). My advice would be to leave well alone now ... I am sure it will settle down. You probably have sensitive skin and the chemicals in the hair removing cream can burn a bit. Personally I have my tash waxed as I find the chemical removal creams too harsh for my skin. Veet actually make a cream and wax for sensitive skin so you might be better with that, though I haven't tried it myself. I think you are right about being more sensitive when your hormone levels are high so it might well have been that. Anyway, try not to focus on it now and it will settle down. You'll be fine. Take care x

08-01-11, 20:08
Thanks so much for the help, I'll leave it alone now, it's still sore but I'm hoping it calms down soon & I won't be using it again...

08-01-11, 20:12
i havent used Nair on my face but i have used it *down there*, it got really sore and burning as you describe, and i just had to keep bathing it with a cold flannel. i sorted itself out though and felt better within a few hours x

08-01-11, 22:30
Hi 87, that happened to me many years ago. It was burning like fire on my underarms. I couldn't use deodorant for a week afterwards! I did the same thing, Vaseline but it really did go away, I don't remember how long it took, maybe the next day but believe me, it heals. I never used any hair remover again and never would.

09-01-11, 11:46
Hi all, really have a lot of facial hair and nose hair. I tried the cream but it just burned my skin. This has been going on for years, in the end I bought a little shaver . Compact shaver from Boots.It may be the wrong thing to do,but it it so embaraissing.
also I have heard you can get prescription cream

09-01-11, 14:36
This has happened to me before with Nair even though it says on the box it is suitable for use on face. It hurts and stings for a few hours and youll notice a few marks for a few days but it will go away just give it time and dont mess around with potions and lotions (like i did!) try not to panic you'll be fine!

09-01-11, 17:04
Thanks so much again guys. It's alot better today, still quite red but not as sore. I've just left it alone. I've used the cream on my leg's & underarms but I've never had any kind of reaction before. I'll never use it on my face again...

20-10-14, 20:52
I have used this product probably 10 times. 4 out of 10 of those times I ended up with slight redness and burning. I used it today and holy shit. It was soooo red swollen and burning. I willnever ever use this again. I already threw my bottlw out. And I didnt leave it on too long either, it didnt even remove thw hair because I took it off due to pain beforw it had a chance too. I applied childens polysporin for minor burns. And it actually helped alot with the burning and redness. Im in shock. Still slight redness but nothing like before.


20-10-14, 22:14
I used nair...once.. and it made my skin break out so bad. I got a bunch of red dots and the skin turned red and was burning.

20-10-14, 22:14
Something to make you laugh...read the reviews on Amazon for Veet for men....so funny :) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Veet-Men-Hair-Removal-Creme/dp/B000KKNQBK/ref=sr_1_1?s=drugstore&ie=UTF8&qid=1413839552&sr=1-1&keywords=veet+for+men

20-10-14, 23:13
Something to make you laugh...read the reviews on Amazon for Veet for men....so funny :) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Veet-Men-Hair-Removal-Creme/dp/B000KKNQBK/ref=sr_1_1?s=drugstore&ie=UTF8&qid=1413839552&sr=1-1&keywords=veet+for+men

I was going to post this link. Funniest group of reviews I've read in a long time! ~LMAO~

Positive thoughts

21-10-14, 15:19
:D:D:D:D x

18-10-15, 22:08
I have used this today but the one for sensitive skin, it has burnt me quite badly. I have tried putting after sun on it and salon but nothing seems to be helping. Anything else that anyone can suggest I use?

18-10-15, 22:24
Hahahaha those reviews are so funny!!!

Unrelated but also funny amazon reviews - Bic For Her Pens - http://www.amazon.com/BIC-Retractable-Medium-Point-FHAP21-Black/dp/B005PFESMG/ref=pd_sim_229_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=09JR1DSWS6C6Z3KFRMV7&dpID=41bP3LPsnWL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_

Back to the relevant topic ... I tried Nair once and felt like my legs were going to burn off. Never again! I just had to wait it out honestly. Aloe might help.

19-10-15, 18:30
Lol. Unrelated again, but funny http://www.amazon.com/Haribo-Sugar-Free-Gummy-Bears/product-reviews/B008JELLCA#

19-10-15, 18:41
Hahaha pepperpot I have seen those before ... was dying laughing!!!

19-10-15, 18:47
Lol, they're ace aren't they x

06-07-17, 19:46
From the 1st treatment dermalmd rosacea serum calmed the redness and irritation in my face that I have been struggling with for years! Even the customer service team emails you with recommendations on how to use the product in order to ensure consumer product satisfaction and awareness.

19-10-17, 14:36
After using the Nair Upper Lip Hair Remover Cream my upper lip is really sore and I've been breaking out with little white heads for the last 4 days. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, did you seek medical attention or did it go away by itself?

19-10-17, 14:55
I tried the sensitive nair hair removal cream last week. I followed the instructions and put the cream on and waited the time it said. No problem. I washed the cream off with warm water and my face was very red and painful. Burning. I put E45 cream on my face. It eased it. Never again!!! it was ok the next day, thank goodness.