View Full Version : So how am I going to do this??

08-01-11, 20:43
So was just thinking my holiday abroad is in 5 months never bein abroad! I am Shitting my self the thought of that plane! It's not just that it's the travel on the motorway there the crowed airport the being enclosed for 4 hours and the being away from home for 2 wks . Easier thing to do is cancel I really don't wanna !! I dunno were to start on trying to prepare myself for that day??

Ne ideas advice would be grateful thanks nat xxx

08-01-11, 21:19
I hate to fly, even before my painc,,Talk to your doctor to give you something to take before you leave. My family was a holiday in Spain this year,,im going to talk to my doc about what help she can give me,to keep me calm as Im realy scared of flying:blush:

09-01-11, 13:29
Hi Natalie23,
Try reassuring yourself that you will be ok, you may feel anxious and uncomfortable about the thoughts of going away but you will be able to cope. Its anticipationary anxiety, its very common.
I dont like flying but I really like being on holiday. Things that help, distraction on the plane. Bring a laptop or dvd player and watch something, listen to music, read, talk.
Airports are busy but its not that often they are really over crowded, dont arrive too early. If you go to a big one they are packed with shops have a browse. Get something to eat. They all have bars lol.
For now reassure yourself that you will cope and look forward to that warm sunshine. Take care.

11-01-11, 22:48
Thankyou for the replies Susan my doc is gonna give me 5 mg of diazepam but I'm so scared to take it , Andrew thanks for the advice I will try all that and I'm trying my best to think of the positive sides but the fear takes over I hope I do it if I do I would say I've overcome the worse x

11-01-11, 22:55
I just replied to your other post :) Definitely take plenty to do - books, music, puzzles, anything really. I'm sure you'll find it easier than expected once there, that's often the case with anxiety.

5 months is quite a while away - try to put it out of your mind for now. And start thinking of the positives - if you're going somewhere hot you'll come back with a tan, you'll have great pics to show off to people, etc etc!