View Full Version : a little bit late but happy new year......

08-01-11, 21:15
so sorry this post is a little late but i just wanted to wish everyone on here a happy new year.

lets hope we can all move forward to a better place.

i still have my ups and downs....but on the whole a whole lot better than i was....i know the reason for this....its because of my dear friends that i have made on here.

so thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.

if anyone wishes to inbox me for any help...or to download please please please feel free xxxxxx i may not get on here daily but i do come on here once a week to catch up on correspondence so please feel free.

every monday i light a candle for us all xxxxxxx

08-01-11, 21:19
Tracey, lovely to see you :)

A very Happy New Year to you too and congrats on doing so well..long may it continue. :hugs:

08-01-11, 23:21
Happy New Year 2 u 2 :D And thanks for the offer of allowing us 2 inbox u, very very kind xxxxx